Goofy things we said when we were kids

Here’s one:
I may be fat but you’re ugly and I can diet


“It’s better than nothing.”
Said often enough…

oh, how about when one brat sarcastically says,
“I wasn’t born yesterday you know !”

Then you have to reply,
“I know, because you couldn’t have gotten that ugly in 24 hours.”

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“I’m all that and a bag of chips!“

“Talk to the hand!“

& a few your mom/family jokes. I grew up in a culture of bagging on each other. It is a wonder that I had any friends at all.


My mom was goofy. She put a pot on her head and said,”Look I’m a pot head!”

My stepdad used to put chicken in the frying pan and say,” That’s one hot chick”

I have an uncle who jokes around so much that when he’s serious people say,”Are you serious?”


Suck it up buttercup

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I think your family sounds wonderful!

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My youngest sister has always had sort of an asian/exotic look to her, so naturally, we mafe her believe she was adopted from china. Several times.

We also would call each other accidents.
“You’re an accident” “well, you’re adopted”

When we wanted to gross each other out we’d say the grossest word in the family: buttjuice


“Cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my eye…”

“When you’re dancing with your honey and yer nose starts getting runny don’t you dare think its funny cuz it’s snot…”

“If there is grass on the field play ball…”

“Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker…”


Your family sounds awesome


I had nicknames…

Gwickey was my older bro
Mike on his rescue bike was my younger bro

I was
Patty cake
Peppermint Patty
Pee pot Patty the pest
Cow Patty

There were others… just the most tame, here.

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My son’s nickname is Super Sam. When he was a baby he had a Superman outfit

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Patty la belle?

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Hes a cutie… oh, I was never Patti labelle. Lol

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