Good therapy session

Talked about motivation and hoarding and self berating. She told me to stop comparing myself to others because we have no idea how they are at home. That my accomplishments are good no matter how small I think they are.

We discussed my hoarding and I promised to commit to one bag of the stuff gone a week until done. My care coordinator said she is goi g to give me some clothes and buy me totes for organizing.

Got my invega shot, too.


That’s great!

Sounds like you’re making progress and getting some validation.

I miss therapy,

I wish my therapist hadn’t ghosted me.


Sounds great!
Good for you @anon4362788!

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Your therapist ghosted you? Oh no! :thinking:

This is terrible @GoldenRex.
I’m sorry.

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She didn’t show up for two appointments in a row and wouldn’t accept phone calls or text.

It was super weird.

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That is weird. Can you get a new one?

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Its just taking forever because of my insurance.

Then when I do find one I’m going to have a hard time making it to therapy sessions because my mother in law needs so much attention.

My old therapist did skype sessions.

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You already know what i think about the MIL situation. Your mental health is important. When you suffer mentally from this and can’t do therapy ithas devolved into abuse.

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I’ll talk to my husband about it and see if I can’t break away once a week for therapy.


Awwww, Goldielocks, I’m sorry to hear that. Did she work in an office alone? When a np, pdoc, or therapist leaves, they give notice and introduce him or her to you.

You didn’t deserve that. :thinking:

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She worked in an office alone,

So there was no one to ask where she went.

Maybe she’s seeing HER pdoc lol
Jk. I’m really sorry that happened. Maybe she isn’t well.



that’s good @anon4362788. My therapist talked about how I shouldn’t compare either, yesterday. Maybe therapists wake up and read the daily therapeutic tips column lol!

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