Good newss about my car, today

Got a bumper to bumper check-up on her and there were “no issues”. So I’m sailing on a cloud because it was the same guy who advised me not to buy the car and I went with my gut instinct and bought it anyway.


Well done on being able to drive. I wish I could. I have a driving license that I got before I was diagnosed. I just lack the concentration now.

You are smart not to take the chance, at least for now. A lot of being sz has to do with learning our limitations.


Yeah, I agree. I was lucky not to have caused an accident when I was actually driving.

I have been in 9 accidents since being diagnosed, but not one was my fault…the closest it came to being my fault was when I pulled out of a McDs parking lot and got Tboned by a guy who was speeding. but he was doing 25 over the limit when he hit me…

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