I blew through a stop sign today

I was in a familiar area that I hadn’t driven through in several years. It was in a poor neighborhood and I didn’t see the sign cause it’s obstructed by a bus stop sign in front of it. Fortunately it was a four way stop and I didn’t hit anyone. I was going about 30mph. I don’t know if I was zoning out or if the area normally has people blowing through the stop.


It’s good no one got hurt. Just remember the Carebear motto: It’s only illegal if you get caught.


lol I was so thankful I didn’t get in an accident and glad no cops were around.

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I got a bump on the rear end some weeks ago. Teen driver on the damn phone no doubt. No damage but accidents happen all the time. I swear I didn’t drive for a few days as I was a little shook up.

yeah I’m not too shook up about it. I just can’t believe I was going that fast and blew through it. It’s an unusual area to have a bus stop sign right before the stop sign. The whole situation was unusual for me.

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I t boned an old lady in my Corolla once - she ran a stop sign and I had the right of way so it was her fault…

My front bumper had a scratch on it and so the adjuster gave me $938 for it…
I wound up buying a can of black spray paint and painted over the scratch…
Not to mention I only paid $800 for the whole car itself…
Most profitable accident of my life! :smirk:


several years back I was turning onto my street to get home and a cop behind me was looking down at his computer and had a canine in the car. He was distracted and rear ended me. It was his fault. My car had a dent in the bumper which I popped back out using boiling water. Collected the insurance money. The money was worth more than the value of my car too lol.

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Yeah, I was in the process of selling my car years ago and I got rear-ended one day coming off the freeway. It caved in the trunk a little but the rest of the car was OK. Totally the other guys fault. I paid $2000 for the car four years earlier but I couldn’t have got more than a $1000 for it but it was considered totaled and not only did I get a check from the other guys insurance for $2000 but I got to keep the car and sold it for $400! When you’re broke like I was that was a small fortune.

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First on my driverlicense is written only with spectacle than it writes only with medication prescribed by the doctor. That wasn’t enough humiliation. Than the psychiatrist ordered to be seen by a psychiatrist by the department of transport. I didn’t went and use public transport now. I am not liked. I never drove on drugs or alcoholised, i haven’t got a policerecord for wreckless driving. Its just another stunt from the authorities to hurt me.

My friend’s brother liked to say “they’re call NEAR accidents because they didn’t actually happen.”

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Maybe you could do a good deed and write to the mayor telling them about the bus stop sign blocking out the regular stop sign. You might get some form of appreciation for it. If not, maybe you saved some child’s life.

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So I just looked at the road on google street view and it turns out there is no bus stop before the 4 way stop. It’s an odd road to have one four way stop in one section and not at the other cross roads. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. I hope I don’t do this in the future. it’s imperative to pay full attention at all times.

It’s good that you were okay and that you’re reviewing it. When I get into a near traffic mistake I try to remember how it happened so that I can think of a way to prevent it from happening again. However, I’ve become a very passive driver to the point where I even give up my right of way at times.

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I’ve accidently run red lights before. One thing I’ve done a few times in my driving career is I’d be stopped at a red light and then I think it’s my time to go and I go through the light only to realize it was still red. It freaks me out but I’ve only done it a few times in 35 years of driving. I’ve also run stop signs unintentionally but only maybe 6 times total.

Luckily on almost all of those it did no harm because either there was no traffic or the other cars saw my mistake and avoided me.

I remember on Christmas Eve about ten years ago I was coming home at night from a church service. I wanted to turn left and there was two lanes for turning and I was in one of them and I decided to switch lanes and I veered over and I heard honking and saw I had cut off another car almost causing a wreck.
Unfortunately, it was a cop car!

He pulled me over and I was totally guilty. He asked what I was doing and I remained calm and polite and I was honest and I simply told him I was sorry, I didn’t see him. He took my drivers license and my insurance I.D. back to his car and then came back and handed them back to me and said “Be more careful in the future. Merry Christmas.” And he let me go without a ticket.


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