Gonna leave my phone on straight to answerphone

If someone wants me they can leave a message.

Man I feel like ■■■■. Really depressed

Hugs, friend. I’m sorry you’re having such a rough one. Do you frequently get down over the holidays?

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Yeah I think maybe. To be honest I can’t remember. Thanks for the message hugs

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It might be something to talk to your nurse about. I feel better during the winter since getting my full spectrum bulb. Maybe something like that could help you.

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Yeah meeting my pdoc on Tuesday. Will mention it then. Thanks!

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Sorry you’re feeling down @anon94176359. I only answer my phone if it’s somebody I know AND want to talk to. Nothing wrong with getting back to people later. Hope you feel better soon.

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Yeah family know to message me. I will let my nurse know to always leave a message and I will get back to them.

Had a little sleep this afternoon and feel a lot better!

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