Pdoc appt. one week from today

it’s almost been 3 months. last time i talked to him i was borderline suicidal, but he didn’t think i needed to be hospitalized. just gave me the number to the on call therapist if things got bad and the on call therapist would evaluate me but i never called.

haven’t been in the hospital for 5 years now. im feeling better now that it’s warmer, usually our appts last about 10 minutes, they are over the phone for now. in fact, i’ve never seen my new pdoc in person.


I have a phone nurse practitioner. I haven’t met my. Caseworker yet. Sounds good. I think you’re improving. I’m just a mess. Hugs

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I wish you luck!
Sounds like your going to make it to the appointment, without being hospitalized which is a good thing.

Some of my appointments were over the phone.
I think it’s more convenient that having it at the offices.

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