I can get my foot in the door with a beginner tooling kit and a couple of kits like purses and wallets for around 150 bucks…looking forward to finally having something to do with all my time…I leather crafted as a kid and was pretty salty at it…yayyyy…
There used to be a forum member who did leather working as a hobby. She went off to college a few years back and stopped posting on the forum – I can’t remember her name.
Was that the girl who made and designed her own looms and stuff?
Sweet Juke!
Now as something off topic but if I remember right you play or played the banjo correct?
Was just thinking I want to try it. Watched a cool documentary about the banjo on TV last night. I’ve been thinking about trying for a very long time.
The only thing is can I get away with buying the $130 closed back on Amazon or should I get something a little better? Tanks!
I don’t know. We have so many creative and artistic forum members. It’s difficult to remember them all.
I believe that may have been @Sharp
I’m not sure.
@ThePickinSkunk check out banjo.com they have beginner banjos and offer the best quality for the lowest price…don’t go with amazon, they don’t know squat about banjos.
I will send you tablature to play beginner songs if you want, just pm me.
Thank you very much for the information. Gonna check it out now.
Hope you enjoy your leather crafting hobby.
@ThePickinSkunk sorry I just checked it out and they only have banjos that are pretty expensive for the beginner…they used to sell them cheaper…
personally I would go to musiciansfriend.com for banjos now…good luck…they should be able to be in your price range…
Thank you for the link. I have a lot to think about.
Yesss! That’s who it was. You have a good memory @anon17132524
My cousin and his dad do this. They have their own store and brand, leather wallets, purses, jackets, etc. They make good money.
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