Going to meet the new pdoc today

I wonder what it’s going to be like. The way they do psychiatry here is a little different from what I’m used to. All the different groups that offer therapy all contract with this large organization that offers meds management services and you go through them to do your meds. It’s weird. No matter who you do therapy with you go to one place to do meds. What if I don’t like them? What if we don’t see eye to eye? I don’t like the idea of there only being one choice for me. If I had a lesser diagnosis I would have other options I guess. But with a psychotic disorder there’s only one choice. I hope it all goes well.

My meds are pretty good. Other than some mild hallucinating at the worst stress during Christmas I’m not having any positives that I’m aware of. I do suffer quite a bit from anxiety. That’s sort of a life long struggle. It’s one emotion I can’t seem to control. It’s so visceral. And here recently my motivation is terrible, but I think I realized last night what is behind that. I stopped taking one of my allergy pills and I can’t breathe through my nose and I’m exhausted. So today I will pick up some allergy pills and see if that doesn’t set things straight in a few days once I’m breathing better again.

The main problem I have is digging at my scalp. I get so anxious. I just dig until it bleeds. It hurts but it makes me feel better. I don’t know why I do this. I don’t know if there’s any med that can help this. But I’m going to bring it up because I’m sick of it. I want to get my haircut but I can’t until the wounds heal but I won’t leave them alone long enough to heal.


Can sum1 tell me what a pdoc is??

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a psychiatrist


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Oo, ok thnx 151515

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You’re welcome, let me know if you need to know anything else

Like wha ?? :::S

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lol, I don’t know, just trying to be friendly

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Ok thnx, ur sweet

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You already have the 151515 down so that’s good, that took me awhile to figure out because I’m long winded.

morning leaf! Hope this finds you well!

I think the best thing you can do is try, see how it goes. This may be the right place for you, and if it isn’t, oh well.

The scalp picking is a whole different ballgame. I attribute my picking to some of my OCD symptoms, mine of choice is either my nails, or pimples. I’ll pick at them compulsory until they bleed. Zoloft and therapy have helped me with that. Taught me how to better catch the compulsion and let it go.

Wishing you well my foliage friend! You got this!

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I was wondering about adding some Zoloft, or Prozac, idk though. I’m a couple days away from being healed if I can just have a little will power. I’m trying so hard.

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It’s damn hard, it’s fighting against every instinct and every fiber calling out to comply to the compulsion. Can come with pain even.

It’s the same compulsion I get from when I’m feeling bad and just want to drink myself into oblivion for a few days.

But I will tell you they can be overcome, and the more you fight them the easier it gets. I’ll always have to fight the compulsion to pick for stress relief, or to use. But I can better fight it now.

Zoloft helped within a few weeks 3-4. I’m on 200mg. I don’t have nearly as many intrusive thought, horrible thoughts that came from unknown source inside my head. And I don’t pick like I used to, has eased how often I feel it building up.

A lot of the therapy has been CBT, swapping rituals into a task that has a definite end point and is constructive , and not something so open ended, and damaging.

PS, rephrase my question: “are you prone to mania from an SSRI?”

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Ya I lurked on this site 4 a while lol, nd it told me that a post needs 2 have 15 char so I connected the 2 hehe

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My last hospitalization was a manic episode caused by 200mg Zoloft. So I would have to go much lower and I’m taking Cymbalta now so I would have to be really careful not to go manic since I’m prone. I don’t even know if this new pdoc would go for it or not. I’m on so much meds as it is. But I did see where it’s the recommended course of treatment for picking.


So the new pdoc was a telemed appointment. My next appointment will be face to face. That’s in a month. He’s doubling my Cymbalta to 60 mg. He says that will help with anxiety and picking. I should start to notice a difference in a couple weeks. He is ordering all the usual labs plus some; complete metabolic, cholesterol, cbc, folate, b12, thyroid, A1C, drug screen and HIV.


That’s good to hear it went well. Cheers leaf I hope it helps!

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I’m glad it went well. I would have trouble with a telemedicine appointment because the men would tap into it and listen. That would bother me.

I could see where that would be a problem for you. I’m an old hat at telemeds. Been doing it about 8 years now.

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Oh wow. I once got to fill out a form about whether or not I’d like to do telemedicine appointments and I said no. If my dr can’t be in the office, I’ll see someone else

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I dig at my scalp as well.

I talked to my General Practitioner, and he had a look. After he looked he said, better to cover your nails in basotracin (some local antibiotic) first.

But it is not really a conscious choice of me to pick. I just find myself picking.


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