Going to be negative today

Physically and mentally maxed out. I just want to sleep all day and let my kids do whatever the freak they want. Does that make me a bad mother? Suicidal thoughts get worse when I’m sick. Ugh.

Definitely does not make you a bad mom. I feel like that often

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Okay. I’m glad I am not alone. :two_hearts:

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Makes you human.

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I feel like that sometimes too. Nobody can be in Perfect Parent Mode 24/7. We all have moments of running out of ■■■■■ to give

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I think you are a great mom !!


I have good kids. I just tell them I feel sick and my 10 and 9 year old keep things together. Maybe I put too much responsibility on them. I have no babies or toddlers in the house. They take care of each other. This is not how I want them to remember me though.

Im sure you doing you best. Dont doubt yourself !!


Its not a bad thing to teach kids compassion, responsibility, and self-sufficiency. In contrast, I was babied my entire childhood and didn’t even know how to put my hair in a ponytail until my college roommate taught me. I was a woefully unprepared adult and had a harsh adjustment into independent living. I used to just buy new clothes and throw out the old ones! I didn’t know how laundry worked.

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Thank you. Yes I do my best. I just sometimes need help and my support system is either at work or lives too far away. I’m the only grown up here for hours. Maybe im just having a pity party. Im lucky i can stay at home. I don’t know how working moms do it at all. :confused:


Thank you @Ninjastar. :two_hearts:

Honestly last week I was driving to pick up medicine for the kids, and I just couldn’t handle going back and dealing with their needs again, so I just parked the car, sat on the side of the road, and blasted music for a half hour.


It’s hard isn’t it? Me I hide in the bathroom…

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my kids always required a lot from me, but they always had easy going personalities, helped a lot.

the only thing I didn’t like my first hospitalization, my mom told my daughter I had to take a happy pill. what? I think she wanted to know more, after all I started teaching her about CF when she was 3.

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