God ever 'talk' to you? Personally?

I used to have elaborate communications with God before I was healed from my MI. No symptoms for over a year now. NO meds, NO symptoms. I had a nervous breakdown a few years ago, and I think I am recovered.
Anyway…I miss God talking to me (intense inserted thoughts) very much. He told me SO MUCH about humans, about the universe, about evolution etc. It was fascinating and educating and, of course, He loves me immeasurably. I sure do miss Him talking directly to me. I felt special. Anybody else have direct communication with God? Tell me about it.


I don’t miss God talking to me.


God, no. Aliens, yes.

Very unpleasant.


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God never talked to me during psychosis. But I spoke to some prophets lol. Aka messiahs, who were ‘one with God in heart’


I had the delusion once that I was speaking to aliens through my TV screen. I thought they could see me on their planet with their own technology on their “TV’s”. I was warning them, we are coming to set them straight and get them to behave. Crazy


Interesting. I really thought I was having a unique experience, lol. I guess not


I wish he did, I got quite a few complaints about the way he’s running things.

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I was not as brave as you!

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This is delusional I havent talked to any of you personally.

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I did have a spiritual experience and it was overwhelming.

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I’ve received messages from God. Also the devil visited me too. They stopped when I started APs.


god spoke to me once but it was when i first got sick
i dont remember what he said it must not have been important

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I’m talking to him right now


In all seriousness, I used to have an inner voice I thought was god but was probably just my true self speaking. I still pray though


Same here

I had them speak to me directly into my brain or mind. It was perplexing but not scary to me

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I’ve experienced communication with God, such that I could never be atheist. I experienced worldly and spiritual interactions with superintelligence, many of which could be dismissed as coincidence. Also, things like communicating with nature were commonplace before steady medication. The mind is a powerful thing. Stay safe and sane folks! Interestingly, I also experienced television aliens @non-average


I have had many interesting communications from higher intelligences from unknown sources, but I’ve never had a “voice” I thought was God.

When my concept of God talks to me, it’s nonverbal.

A gentle sustaining breeze on an unbearably hot day, a beautiful butterfly landing on my cafe table when I’m drowning in depression and thinking about giving up, a smile from a stranger passing by, a beautiful sunset.

I think we all understand the idea of God differently, but if it lightens the burden and calms your soul then by all means, continue communicating with it!


The entity that spoke to me was the oposite of god ‘‘the devil’’ when i asked him if he truly was satan he denied it and then continued to call himself the devil, what an ass.

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I physically heard Jesus (Christ) talk to me telling me what I should do. I believe it really happened but it was back when I first came down with Sz. It’s still real to me now, but my psych care team insist it’s the Sz. I don’t know.

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