Getting tired of gaming

So I’ve been a lifelong gamer since I got my first NES back in '88. Gamed on and off for a long time, and when I got dx’d with sza, gaming and World of Warcraft specifically, really helped me get a social aspect going because I was (And still am to a degree) housebound a LOT.

Fast foward to 15 years later since being dx’d with sza, and a lifetime of gaming to keep me busy in between.

I’m getting to the point where I want to do more than sit inside all day when I’m not working or taking care of Grandma. I want to get out, do stuff, enjoy life again. I don’t know if I’ve finally reached the point in recovery where I’m well enough to care about life, but I’m finding other than a handful of Nintendo games and World of Warcraft, I just don’t care about gaming anymore.

Since switching to paliperidone, I’m gaming way less, and despite having very little disposable income, I’m spending way less, too.

I’m not even sure where I want to go with this thread other than I think I’m starting to care about living again? idk… Even the voices today have been blissfully more quiet than normal.


I think its kinda a good thing. gaming is good to an extent. it helped me out a bit, im gaming less in general…but about wow. im actually gonna be a bit more active or try to be for the expo. I still try to limit myself though, I do other things that I can think of throughout the day. I seem to wrry bout things more lately and ive been getting anxiety, didn’t feel so great yest but went to the hospital for short term. I still feel kinda bad but I guess whatever keeps you busy and easy.


As a general rule of thumb, my mom always tells me “As long as you’re having fun and not hurting anybody, who cares?”

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sometimes u hurt horde lol or even your own pets O_O


Me personally I try not to hurt anyone or anything, unless it’s a bug that’s invaded my home. But yeah I get what you’re saying.

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Yeah I used to play way too much Diablo 2 which is made by blizzard like wow I think. Then started playing Destiny on Xbox way too much. I got burned out and don’t play anything now.

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I also got burned out by playing too much Xbox 360 back in the day, I spent like 2 years without playing anything, now I’m back to playing every day again :sweat_smile:, just not near as many hours as I used to, also I always find something to play, I came back to WoW a week ago, I find it a pretty and chill game.

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WoW is perfect for me because no matter how much or how little I play it, when I’m subbed to it I don’t blow my extra money on a million games I don’t even want. It helps my impulse control a lot.

Still, I’m taking a step back and I’ve decided I’ve become a casual gamer these days. Gaming isn’t bad, def. not trying to say it is, it’s just… I’m tired of only gaming.

I cannot game anymore. I just cannot concentrate on them for long enough anymore. It used to be my hobby, but not for a long time now. I have tried playing Theme Hospital, Mass Effect Androm. and Starcraft 2 but I have given up on this now.

I just lay in bed with the TV on as background noise, I don’t pay any attention to it.

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