Why did my love for gaming end with a hospital experience?

Was it the meds or the hospital?

Think its the meds. I have barely played my games recently. I used to play constantly, but now I don’t even have the motivation to play. I have an occasional session, but very rarely. :frowning:

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What about the meds does this?

I’ve stopped playing too.

It is funny, but I have also stopped playing. Somehow my mind can not handle the concentration needed for gaming, do not have enough focus and concentration. Some strategic board games such as chess and shogi require a lot of both focus and concentration, but also calculating. Do not feel like playing any games.

i actually did have the problem the first three years after I gone on medication,then my gaming habit came back after some time…its not good to think about gaming all day like me,i would put my interest into other hobby if can…

Or a lack of motivation and reward system dysfunction, meaning gaming is not something that is interesting or rewarding any more.

My house mate goes on about how he wasted so much time playing games that he’ll never get back.

That being said, I’m off to game :wink:

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I found gaming would sort of brain wash me into believing that I could feed the hunger and need for more real encounters and interactions with real people with the computer generated encounters with animated beings who where very predictable because we where the ones who made them do what they could do in that gamming world. The gaming is probably just fine for those normal people but I don’t think they help much with our real needs as SZ’s to socialize. I think it is better to just sit here and meditate on a girl I once new. And just because we can own and play those games doesn’t mean the gamming industry cares about our real human needs for interaction.

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At least you’ve never played second life where you live out your existence as a avatar online!

But I agree there is a market for something that makes you feel more connected and less alienated.

I used to hard core play wow. High lvl characters. People even got married in the game. Not me though. But with meds I stopped completely and gave my account to my son. He was so happy to get all my characters. I played wow from the early beginning of the game. When you had to read the quests carefully. No additional help in the map.

the meds surpreses your dopamine receptors which is responsible for giving us pleasure, so in a seance we are numbed to the point that nothing thrills us anymore, its much harder to keep interest in things because of the meds, and if you are naturally depressed it is worse.

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