Been playing video games to much

I quit the games… then I just hold the controller in one hand and get on the computer… 15 minutes later its like… oh wait why am I still holding this???

I don’t have any drive to play video games, been that way for almost two years now. It just feels like such an empty experience.

I remember being a kid back in the 90’s and playing the hell out of my PS1, and that was honestly the “peak” of my gaming experience. If that “peak” can’t be beat, then I honestly don’t see the point in playing anymore.

It was good for a time, learned A LOT, especially from RPG’s like Final Fantasy and tactical shooters like SOCOM & Metal Gear Solid, but them days are tucked away deep in my memory. It’s sad, sometimes, not caring anymore about games…

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I’m trying to revive the communal interest as far as my in town friends go…

Soul calibur is a favorite amongst my siblings and friends…

The dreamcast or the original xbox and the xbox 360 is where I spent most of my time.

New games seem like garbage though.

I mean if there is a place to play multiplayer for old consoles in my group of friends it’s over here at my place.

[quote=“SoitGoes, post:3, topic:34722”]
New games seem like garbage though.
[/quote]I liked watching streamers playthrough MGSV, also enjoyed watching StarCraft 2 tournaments. Now, my joy in watching streamers feels “dead”. I can hardly watch streams anymore without feeling intense bouts of aggravation. I don’t know why or how I get aggravated, I wish my mind would just comply & be cool with listening or watching, but it doesn’t allow me to.

A life of absolute nothingness seems to be where I am headed. It’s all Buddhist-like in feel, actually.

I get that man… there are certain things I like about that life as an ideal.

But I’ve just got kind of wrapped up in video games as a way to fill my time and head with non psychosis things to thing about.

I find theres a limit on how much a person should play video games. I find if I play too many I feel the need to get outside. Though I can’t wait for fallout 4 thats gonna be awesome

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Me either man FO4 FTW!!!

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People want to complain about the graphics and I’m like “Its fallout. Who cares about graphics when what you can do is limitless.” Out of all the games I’ve ever played and I started with the Sega Mega Drive fallout 3 and new vegas had the longest lasting appeal of any game. You know someone actually pre ordered a copy of fallout 4 with bottle caps. This dude saved like 3000 bottle caps and sent them to Bethesda, and they gave him a limited edition copy which is like 100$.

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Ah that’s ■■■■■■■ cool man.

Bethesda is a cool company… so (was) bungie…

I gotta say morrowind was the game that stands out the most… oblivion was better than skyrim… and far better than morrowind in so may ways… but morrowind was the first game you could mod… loading custom content into the game that oyu designed yourself… the engine ran like ■■■■ and crashed all the time… all the same though, you could still mod morrowind in ways that TES4 & 5 won’t allow…

Mods for fallout 4 should be pretty rad too. but fallout has a lot of depth to it from the get go… hidden weapons and a mixture of humor and darkness and just intriguing ■■■■ that kind of setting might allow for.

I’m kind of done with gunplay combat… will like rely on the VATS system a lot… but it’s really the only game with that option.

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Yea games with guns can get boring but I always make the exception for fallout. I don’t know how that game can ever get old and they always put a lot of time into it.

Do any of you play any mmos? World of warcraft, star wars the old republic, guild wars 2 etc

I played Star Wars Old Republic for a while it was fun. Its not MMO but I’ll also play league of legends occasionally.

Not really… I don’t like paying for subscription base services

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