Getting rid of religious fears

I know it is somewhat of a difficult topic here…Im having religious/existential fears though. I dont want to get rid of faith itself, quite the opposite. But i do very much want to get rid of fear. Preferrably naturally.

Any ideas? Perhaps by pm if it is unfit for this forum?

I dont intend to start a religious discussion, so please dont go that way…I just really want to have a healthier way of dealing with this.

I have religious fears too. I know that they lessen with antipsychotics, but for me they don’t go away completely. That’s one of the reasons I’m so good about taking my meds is the relief from obsessive religious fears and beliefs.

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They dont go away with meds for me, which sucks (meds do help me calm when im out of my mind…just dont change the underlying thought patterns). It isnt really delusional or even overwhelming emotion…more just anxiety/rumination of not being good enough.

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I fear not being good enough too. It’s a struggle for sure.

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The more true the faith, the less the fear


Thanks @LilyoftheValley, im sorry you too deal with this, thanks for recognizing the feeling though.

@Om_Sadasiva…I do truly believe in God…im just pretty aware of my own failures too, wondering how God would look at that. I dont really know how to make my faith “more true”. Ideas are welcome.


Maybe changing the way you think about God. Less of a harsh judge and more of an understanding and loving mother.


I don’t know how to handle religion either. I’m not sure if I should abandon religion all together now that I have a mental health problem. But I find it gives me hope and at the same time I have religious delusions so I don’t know

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God is love and mercy, you don’t need to fear him. He is not pointing a finger at every mistake we make, but guiding as with a gentle hand to be better people and to love more.

I recommend watching videos or listening to podcasts about your faith.


I was Christian going to church every sunday and was even a deacon. I got sz and lost my faith, now I am not religious. God wasn’t fair by making me suffer from suicide and schizophrenia. I am homicidal too without meds.

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Faith means trust. You invest the whole of your existence in the hands of God or anything else you might believe to. If you have doubts, that is understandable and human, but the more you believe in your father, your real father as a kid, the less you fear


Thanks for all your messages. Sorry for starting a topic that might be controversial here.

I think trust is really difficult for me. My fearful attachment style influences this topic too and i really did some pretty stupid stuff. I try to take your comments along with me and trust instead of fear.


Religion is both a trigger and a helpful thing with me. I need it in my life - but not too strictly or else I back off. My mom was strict religious and triggered my first delusions. So I avoid strict religion. Rather I focus on spirituality :blush:


Thanks. It is similar for me: it is helpful and i genuinely cant/wouldnt want to be without, but i can also get triggered. Good that focussing on spirituality helps you… hope i can find a way in this too.

Btw: thanks mods for leaving this open, even if it is a sensitive topic. I feel people are responding in a respectful, helpful way.


Hard to in this life right? Just have to enjoy life and wait until the time comes

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