I’m really excited, mostly because I feel like I’d be safer with a dog around.
I know they can detect if someone is unwell in some way and are good for cuddling or calling for help.
He’s gonna be a Corgi too, which are one of my favorite breeds.
Yay! That’s wonderful Cipher! Are you going to train him at all?
OMG I love animals.
I’m going to try to train him! I’m just really excited right now, there’s so many things I can feel good with doing when I have a dog (such as going on longer walks all by myself).
Me too! I don’t wanna own a whole bunch of 'em though, but they certainly would help with any struggles I might have.
Does he have a name yet? And yes, I am sure you’ll feel very protected with him. That’s so cool.
I’m gonna name him Mason, only name that really stuck with me and randomly popped into my head.
It almost feels surreal because I’ve never owned a dog myself, I’ve babysat a few before though.
Congratulations, Corgis make fine pets!
I will probably get a dog in time.
Thank you!
I’ve heard they’re really good dogs, from others who owned one.
I hope you do too.
Congrats!! That’s awesome! I desperately want a doggy soon. They are so cute and loving and definitely help with mental stuff.
I hope you get one as well, I’m sure for all of us, we need someone to keep us motivated or at least assure us we have someone who cares regardless of what we’re going through.
That is so true. My cat has literally saved me from suicide by helping me feel loved. He made me feel needed and so I lived through the night because I realized I didn’t want to leave him, no matter how much pain I was in.
Animals are important and they are such blessings.
Aw well that’s good!
Some times I feel the same way about my cat, he loves me a lot and I can’t really bring it to myself to do anything bad.
Lucky you. Would you like to trade your puppy for a slightly used cat?
I have a corgi too!! They are very sassy but very loving. Smart!! Too smart for their own good!
I love corgis. But I prefer my reptiles over dogs. They are special in their own way.