Geodon vs. Risperdal

To be completely honest I’m kind of psychotic and have been for a few months! But I refuse to take the devils lobotomy rocks! :joy: just kidding but yea yea I see side effects and long term I want and am free! But that’s just me!! Peace :peace_symbol:

Some people respond to tiny small doses and others need a warehouse of meds to function. I belong to the latter ones

I’ve had good luck with Geodon. It takes care of my symptoms without dulling my mind. I’ve heard a number of people say that Geodon was a good med. for them.

I found that Navane had the worst side effects like drooling, orthostatic hypotension, muscular weakness, and slowing my movement. Glad you it’s working for you, though.

I remember when I was in the hospital and they gave me so much Lithium, Risperdal and Depakote, I couldn’t even speak. I was a vegetable but still conscious of how vegetative I was. It was horrible. Hated feeling that way. I have been off meds for 8 months now and I feel great. Totally lucid.

Risperadone gave me ocd. Got off of it and I don’t have ocd anymore.

I got the worst kinds of intruitive thoughts you can imagine on Risperidone. I thought it was the illness that was the reason for this, but now you say That then I think that it might’ve been caused by Risperdone

Also, when I went to the hospital for the first time in my life, at 46, I weighed 122 on admission. I had weighed the same for 30 years. They started me on Risperidone and when they discharged me 3 weeks later, I weighed 136! I went on to get up to 168. Now that I am off, I am down to 138 and hoping to get back down to 122. That stuff makes you fat! and the doctor always blames me and my eating! They refuse to admit it’s the med. What a coincidence that I go off it and lose 30 pounds without even trying. NOT!