Gamers, how many games in your library?

i have ~80 games on pc, thats just including ones i payed for and free to play ones. not including ahem :pirate_flag:
i have 50ish games on xbox although some are free to play.

i am in a situation now tho where i have too many options in games to play and never finish one. a few years ago i played through every game in the batman arkham series and it was awesome. i bought the discs for the game and would only play one until completed. cant really replicate that with pc as all the games are digital.

i read about 12in12 on reddit where u try to complete 12 games in 12 months. i dont know if i could do it but i atleast want to find the patience to stick with one game at a time until i complete it


Over 13,000.

My RetroPi has a huuuuuuuuge inventory of classic game ROMs from arcade systems and pretty much every platform up to Playstation 1. I have over 90 for my Wii and about 12 on my Oculus. None on my phone.


o wow yea i forgot about emulators. i have the full n64, gb, gba, gbc, snes, and nes libraries on my rg351p and alot of ps1 games


For xbox over 150. For ps4, not sure. Hubby downloads all hos, so we don’t have physical copies any longer.


On steam, I think I have around 80.
Then a handful each on GoG, Epic and Origin.

I have a friend who gifts me games from my Steam wishlist sometimes, but I don’t have a pc at the moment.


I have about 10 Xbox games but I never play it these days

Such a shame to miss out on a hobby that used to be everything to me


I got 700+ games for my a500 mini. It’s all abandonware. Might feel a little bit guilty about it, but it’s literally the only way to get and play these games since no one is retailing them anymore. GoG might have converted a few amiga games to pc, but they are put in bad shells and are less enjoyable to play.

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No clue. I’ve got full system libraries on rom.

10k? I’ve been collecting for many years.

Current ps5 is a little over 500.

I’m a patient gamer, rarely buy games full price, I’m willing to wait a while until bugs and dlc are ironed out. I’ve gotten plenty of complete collection games for $20.


I’ve got an Xbox Series X and have about 8 games, mostly from the Xbox One library. I don’t play very often as I have trouble concentrating on a game enough to complete it.


Contemporary (modern) consoles

PlayStation 4 Pro: over 100 games
Nintendo Switch: 7 games
Nintendo Wii U: 12 games

Classic (retro) consoles

Sega 32X: all 34 games (via Mega EverDrive X7 cartridge)
Sega Genesis: all 878 games (via Mega EverDrive X7 cartridge)


89 in my steam library. Didn’t think I had that many!


Only playing Overwatch. On xbox.


Far too many, and about 90% are in my backlog.


Ps4pro hundreds of games most are free games through psplus subscription 3 a month for 12 months since 2016 is like 250 games or something under that.


Lol I have tons but only play 1 due to sz negative symptoms. I play on PC btw


Switch: 15 or so both physical or digital.

PS4: 34 or so both physical or digital.

Gaming does not mean the same to me as when I was younger. Cannot blame the sza for me hardly playing though. Just getting old with new interests.


Every match I play feels like a chore. Win or Lose. Losing rank right now on overwatch.

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What made you want a switch?


I think it was the novelty of wanting a Switch especially since my last handheld gaming system was the PSP which I loved. I do not have buyer’s remorse as I am still happy to own the system.

I still play the Switch but I do not have the gusto to game from dawn to dusk like when I was a kid.


I am turning this into a complain thread - sorry.

I like the idea of the switch - I just can’t justify the spending on it since I don’t leave the house.