Got a game system

got a game system. its a nintendo 500 in 1. i played it last night a bunch of different games. my partner got mad at me cause i kicked her butt in hockey.


500 games ! That should keep you going for a while !

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Wow that’s awesome! My boyfriend and I have been looking for one of those, it’s rare to find where we live.

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I used to have a Nintendo 3DS but I only play on my phone now :smiley:
There’s some pretty good games, if you know how to look.

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i like the platform games like super mario bros the original even though i suck at them but they are fun. one is robo cop 2 i stink so bad at that game i like moon walk off the platform that the character just jumped on.

That’s super awesome! Have fun :slight_smile:

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mate…I’d be lost without my pc and the games!

It’s not a bad option to keep you occupied whilst not working. I find it hard to read and watch movies but a game will keep me going for hours!

Have some fun! You deserve it!

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wait what? im outdated…im sorta just getting into gaming now. i go based on what i played in my teen years. SC:BW anybody?

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