Anybody take gabapentin at night to help with sleep? And does it work?
I took 1000 mg of gabapentin for a year for nerve regeneration for sciatica. I took it at night. I didn’t notice it making me sleepy or anything.
My doctor gave me Gabapentin for nerve pain, but it really did nothing. I tried it for 10 days, and even doubled the dose and I got nothing. But I imagine it’s like a lot of things, it works for some people but not for everyone. Maybe it’s still worth a try
I take the closely related Pregabalin
It does help with my anxiety a lot
Not so much for sleep, as I had serious sleep problems whilst taking it
I take it for anxiety
It works for me. Reducing anxiety and helps with sleeping.
I took it for anxiety and nerve pain for a couple years. It made me hyper, but my doctor said that was an unusual reaction.
I took a very low dose for pain short term but found that it also relaxed and made me sleepy.
However that effect wore off after about a week.
It might have continued to work for sleep and anxiety if I increased the dose though.
I’ve been mixing zopliclone and gabapentin and sleep okay, not great, but okay.
I tried 1000mg of gabapentin by itself and slept about 6 hours. I have major insomnia to the point that I can’t sleep 1 minute without some sort of pill, so it is possible gabapentin will help you sleep at a high dose.
I also tried 100-400mg of gabapentin and that didn’t work at all, no sleep.
It does help with anxiety.
Do you mind telling me Wich AP’S your on. I take Invega and perphenazine and I think one or both is giving me insomnia.
It’s possible, AP can do crazy things besides treat schizophrenia.
I am on Latuda but that has nothing to do with my insomnia
My insomnia occurred when I quit olanzapine years ago, long before I was on latuda, I went back on olanzapine and my insomnia went away. I have quit it several more times and insomnia always comes back. I am now completely off olanzapine and can’t sleep at all. I tried going back on it but it wouldn’t work anymore, now I can’t sleep without some kind of pill
Sorry about the insomnia. I also can’t sleep without help.
I take 600 mg gabapentin four times a day. I have a severe case of general anxiety disorder in addition to my schizophrenic disorder. I was taking a benzodiazepine medication but I got a new psychiatrist and she is against these types of medications. Gabapentin doesn’t help me as much personally, but we are all so different in regards to medication response.
Gabapentin doesn’t make me sleepy during the day. Plus I take other medications on top of it too.
I do sleep well at night, however. I have no issues there. That’s for sure.
You will think I am kidding but give it to my cat because she is very stressed.
It was prescribed by the vet.
My dog had an opposite reaction to gabapentin.
She too became hyper.
The Vet said that this sometimes happens.
After taking about 1000mg of gabapentin for over a week, then quitting I had withdrawals for about 3 days. My body felt like it was burning up. I had the AC blasting cold air, plus a fan blowing on me and I still felt hot and sweaty. But it passed after a few days.
I switched to Clonazepam for sleep
I took It for anxiety and really awful problems with sleep. Works wonderfully!
I love “GABA”
I’ve been on a dopamine diet 4 a while now, but I’ve recently incorporated GABA as well.