Funny joke

Has anybody farted lately?

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What does a cow call V for Vendetta? A MOO-vee!

Sorry I got nothing, just made that lame joke up. I may have to get some popsicles to get the good jokes.


I walked a step today.

lwqekrjpo peoir ijeo e oeieioep oe joieorjoj ie eiioeopj you know what I mean? just kidding

When I was delusional I thought I was a tooth pic…and I talked to tooth pics.


Lol. that actually made me chuckle Jake. It was just so random.

Thanks Bowens…nothing nothing nothing lol lol lol

Tooth pick ahhaha


When I was delusional, I gave a bear a tooth pic.

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Another thing that happened when I was delusional, I talked to a fire hydrant.


And I thought the fire hydrant cussed me out.


And I cussed out the fire hydrant…back and I wanted to kill it.

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I heard President Biden let one really rip, lol

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Good one Headspark…15151515

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ummmm deep thoughts, I’m not thinking now.

What if somebody smoked a cigarette, and died.

Wave are you there???

What if a tick smoked marijuana, and bit a pole.

I wish my user name was called “AT”.

tyuytoieeo lsdjtkjt wups I made a mistake.