Friend says she needs a break from constant texts

I have been going through a really rough time and texting one of my close friends probably more than 20 times a day. I have ptsd And schizophrenia and both have been very active I have needed my friend to calm me down through flashbacks and help me overcome delusions I have had that I Am a criminal or a sex offender, and to get me through particularly disturbing hallucinations. This has been going on for a couple weeks and sometimes I have even messaged her at 1 am. Understandably she is wore out by this and she told me she needs a break from the constant messaging. She says that she still loves me and will text me In a few days but it still hurt a lot. I actually cried over this. I know that the dynamics I have created here are unhealthy and I need to respect boundaries but it is really hard. I feel like I cannot cope without 24/7 support. Before our break my friend flat out said she thought I needed to go to the hospital but I don’t want to do that.

So she was helping you? Friends are valuable. Give her some days. Don’t push her


She was helping me but I just asked her too much

I had a online GF, she went off meds and started contacting me at all hours, I loved her but I work and can’t have people calling me all night long, I know she reads a lot of stuff about meds online then wants off them., Sadly she needs meds badly, and had gone off them till she ends up in hospital, I went through this many times with her and finally I had to stop it. It was just to hard to deal with. I’m supportive, but we all have our limits on how much effort you can give to a person who refuse to seek help and stay with it.

your’e overwhelmed.

Your’e a good person, no criminal, even if something happened,

it doesn’t define you, and definitely not today.

My problem is sending too many emails to my family.
My mother has even told me, who wants to hear all that.

I figure it’s better than being silent and holding it in.

I don’t rely on anyone anymore. Everyone has their own little world.

After my friend brought me to the hospital nearly dead from an overdose she asked me to give her some time away from contact because she felt herself becoming overwhelmed. About 2 weeks later she started texting again. I understood that she needed the time. Sounds like maybe some time could do your friend and yourself good.

It sounds like you could benefit from having a therapist or a support person so you wouldn’t have to rely on your friends for support.

I am trying to get in with a therapist but it will take a couple weeks for an opening and I don’t know if I can wait that long.

Maybe a hospitalisation wouldn’t be a bad idea? I mean, they could adjust your meds and you’d have professionals to talk to 24/7.

It’s okay to want some attention, but don’t overdo it. Learn to be okay with yourself, otherwise you’re going to take up unreasonable amounts of other people’s free time.

I know I am too needy and it’s not right and I need to work on it but I don’t know how to function right now. If I go into the hospital I will lose my job and I am terrified of hospitals so I will avoid that if at all possible.

I thought that too, but I just called my boss

and told him I needed medical attention

and I was gone for a week, got right back into my job

I fear ER, but not the ward, did you have a bad experience?

I just could not get past the people who watched you go to the bathroom in the ward, I have been sexually assaulted and it was very triggering . I don’t know if I can get some type of medical waiver to miss work.

What? I would have hated that too, they’ve never watched me go to the bathroom.

I don’t even let Phil do that.

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