Free-will in your opinion

What’s your view on free-will…?

111 :smiley:

You live in a box

We’re free to do what we’re told.

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I broke out of my box sometime in 2010

Freedom of choice is the greatest thing ever known throughout all history IMO

How do you believe in free will and post so much about fate?

I don’t get it,

Which do you believe?

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fate works in collosion with free will

kind of magic in a sense

actually quite awesome

I am a robot, I have no free will. I do as the machine commands.

Your box is just inside another

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What’s that mean?

Oy vey, Pedro.

Life isn’t magic.

Life isn’t what facebook memes say it is.

Get real.


That is your opinion

Try respect mine


Is the holiday pear :pear: box :package: a secret message. Cat in a Holiday Pear box? Interesting :thinking:

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There are deterministic and free aspects of existence.

You can even choose a thought

Yes but if you have a cognitive problem you may be limited in what you can think about

We have the illusion of free will
But as an american I have a lot more free will options than many other countries so that’s nice

Yes attitude can play a part

I am fixing my thought process

Work in progress

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