Forums that hold anti psychiatry views

I think I stumbled across another mental illness forum that possibly is anti psychiatry.

Does anyone know of these forums?

Can you name them?

Don’t really feel comfortable visiting there anymore.

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I’ve found this website to be the most pro-med pro-psychiatry forum I’ve stumbled across.

I don’t remember all the names of the various other websites I’ve visited.


Yeah this is what I like about this forum, it is very much pro med.

Not sure if I’ll go back to the other forum.

I was actually very disappointed.

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In general I am pro-med because my current meds work. But I have had some bad experiences so I can understand why some people are anti-med, especially if they have had nothing but bad experiences, side effects and ineffectiveness.

I’m anti-olanzapine but I am pro-lurasidone.

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Yeah I’ve had plenty of bad experiences with different meds.

The cocktail I’m on now seems to be working.

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I am also pro-med because no-meds was NOT working out for me in a big, ugly way. I know a human who IMHO desperately needs to be evaluated and perhaps medicated (I’m not a Doctor) but takes a stance of “I’m fine, I just get like this sometimes, I’m not taking any meds, f*ck off”. It’s difficult because I see this person suffering needlessly, and they could be getting some relief. Anti-med as a display of personal fortitude.


Yeah, me too. Although my clonazepam seems to be losing effectiveness for sleep. I’m down to about 6 hours a night. I used to be getting 8. So I may have to find something else and taper off that in a few months. We’ll see what happens, I can’t sleep without some sort of pill.

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Can you name the forum in question?

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Thers everything on the internet, even crap.

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No I’m sorry not going there @NotSeksoEmpirico

Fixed it for you.


Oof. Klonopin (Clonazepam) became a monster for me. Same story you’ve probably heard a million times, used as directed…then not. Then more not. My idiot shrink at that time gave me a script for 100, refillable ANY TIME. And that was that. Miserable detox, and no more benzos for me.

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My current medicine works well for me even though in high doses.i m pro medicine patient for sure because i was simply vegetable before medicines all days was on the bed try to get rid of paranoias and my positive i m capable to holding job and relations without a problem.


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