Tell me the truth

This forum is Pro-Psychiatry so much that it almost looks like Pharma companies and their pushers own it.

a. Are there real patients here?.
b. If Yes, is the culture in the West largely Pro-Medication?.

ps: The culture in the east is also Pro-Med BTW.

I thought we already hashed this out @saurav1. I’ve been off of meds a few times and it was disaster. I don’t want to take chances. I don’t know how many out here are all pro-meds, but those of us who are, have learned from experience.


That sounds like a delusion man. Ya im schizoaffective. No I dont take meds. Pros and cons to every decision.

another one :(…man im losing it

Its the illness. This illness is a bitch

I need my meds. The few times I went med free I ended up in worse shape then before.

There are some people who take meds… get better… go to therapy… have a support network in place and then work with a doc to taper the meds down…

so far… that’s not me.

You have to start somewhere… at least maybe talk to a doc and see what your options are.

Best of luck and hope you feel better soon…

Yeah am starting Meds from tommorow.

  1. Yes
  2. Meds to stabilize, then individually tailored therapies to maintain, which may include meds, cbt type therapies, both, neither, something else.

I’m not aware of anyone here with links to pharma. But I haven’t asked anyone about it, either.

I hate being on meds. If I could function without them I would in a heartbeat. But my reality is that without meds, I’ll just end up back in the hospital. So I stay on them because it’s worth it.

I could understand your situation/predicament…

Yes I’m really schizoaffective, with PTSD. I’m pro meds because I’ve seen what sz and sza are like without meds because of my dad and his sister. They both are extremely paranoid and my aunt’s kids want.nothing to do with her.

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I’ve always looked at the med’s as a necessary evil. I don’t like the side effects, but I know what happens when I don’t take them.

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I can understand.

I can completely understand .

I don’t like being on meds, but it’s my only option. Without them I cannot distinguish reality. I hallucinate what others say, things that happen.
So, in my particular situation, I rather live with the problems of side effects than without the sense of reality.

I also thought about big-pharma and the money they make out of people’s suffering, and didn’t want to be a guinea pig, said so multiple times. When the delusions passed, and I was able to get insight into my illness that became secondary. There are better meds coming also. Things are evolving and looking better. When risperdal first came out about 12 years ago it was revolutionary, now there are better meds out there already…

And yeah, thinking we’re all pharma people is a delusion. We’re just like you, some of us went through what you are going through.

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My brother is bipolar ADHD and autistic. He too refuses meds. But that’s because most of childhood and teenage years were spent in a fog due to so many meds.

I think ive seen so much of life :frowning: (mine and people I see here)…

I can understand the Poor Guy’s situation.