Forced to take medication

How long can they force me to take a medication that I don’t want. I’m on xeplion right now and have horrible side effects, sexual dysfunction, No emotions and I can’t concentrate. I was violent because of paranoia. And now I’m forced to take this medication by the Police. But I had rather gone to jail, then have this medication that I don’t want. How long can they do this?

I know how you feel. Best thing to do is change medication. You could try abilify, it’s got side effects but there lighter than other medications.

The doctors have a lot of power so you just have to work with them. Sadly I don’t think they’ll let you off medication, unless you can prove your stable, which is hard. Best try a newer antipsychotic.


I’m not saying that I want to be violent. What I’m trying to say is that I’m asking when I will pay for my crime. Is this going to go one forever. I want to have a say on what medication I want

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I don’t know I think that you lose 90% of your rights and human dignity when you have psychosis. You get stigmatized by society and your own family. It’s like your mind has to be perfect or inside a square to be able to live. There is no freedom in this world its a lie

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I’m not sure what’s like mental health act in your country. You should try to find it online and read it. Find out what are your legal rights as a mental health patient.

I would suspect that you can either give consent to take medication, or not. But before that doctor might object you because of your schizophrenia condition.

Let’s say if you take medication and doctor will see that you are improving, then legally you could object to taking that or any other medication. Thus medication free if that’s your goal.

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Yeah, modern society in affluent nations seems to run like a machine. It has very little tolerance for unpredictability.

I had one psychotic episode 13 years ago. People still seem to look at me as a crazy person.

I’m sorry for my original response, which I deleted. Thanks for clarifying.

I don’t know what it is like in your country.

In my country, I was never violent, but I had a psychotic episode for 2 months 13 years ago, and I ended up going driving in a confused, psychotic state.

I didn’t stop for police soon enough for their taste because I thought I was in a different universe, and didn’t think they were real police.

When I stood before a judge, I told him I was going to keep taking my medication (at the prompting of my lawyer). I got 2 years probation instead of 1 year in jail.

After about 2 years on medication, my psychiatrist gave me the option if trying to wean off medication.

So, there is a story of how these things go sometimes. In some countries, if you can show yourself stable for a year or two, you can get some options opened up.

I hope that helps.


I dont want to be med free. My goal is to change to something that gives me back the joy in life. But thank you i have to check the laws here about this

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My doctor says that he will take way the forced medication at some moment. But dont know when. Will wait and see. Thanks for the reply

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