For those with sza

Do you have insight into your moods? I don’t unless someone tells me. Do your psychotic symptoms cause a change in your mood? I’m told my mood and psychosis are kind of intertwined. That my psychosis causes mood episodes but also that my mood episodes cause psychosis. For a while now I’ve had a constant state of psychotic symptoms regardless of my mood, even when I don’t have any mood symptoms. I guess I’m trying to figure out the difference between bipolar 1 with psychotic features and sza bipolar type. I’ve been diagnosed with both.

Sometimes I can catch myself in the middle of it. It really depends on how far down the rabbit hole I’ve gone.


@anon4362788 what is the relationship between your psychosis and your moods?

My psychosis influences my moods at times and other times my mood influences. No matter if I am depressed or manic I feel my neighbor(s) and others are out to get me.

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That’s how it is with me I think, it goes both ways. Right now I am struggling with my main internal voice telling me not to take my meds. As far as I can tell, I’m not having any mood symptoms. I try not to give it a name, but in my head it repeats “Jasper.”


My moods do sometimes trigger voices and sometimes it’s the voices triggering my mood.
Sometimes I’m depressed but have no psychosis and other times I do
And sometimes I hear voices or get intrusive thoughts even when my mood is fine.


I don’t have any psychotic episodes since I’m on meds, but I have mood swings. They usually happen when something goes wrong, or when I have a lot to do and no time to do it all(studying most of the times), but even those mood swings are get even rarer cuz of the meds(one of their effects is mood stabilizer).
When I’m sad or angry I usually try to talk to someone and then I don’t listen to them and I get happier. So maybe therapy could help u learning some coping skills(I had 8 years of therapy), although the meds help a lot :wink:

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@Hadeda: I do not have a break from psychotic thoughts no matter what my mood is. I can look back and see that many of my ideas were psychotic. My mom says I am rapid cycling bipolar; I’m glad I have her because I have no insight into my moods. I feel the same most of the time. Well actually I can tell if I’m really excited, really irritable, really anxious, or really sad, but I can’t tell if I’m manic or seriously depressed. I’m not sure I am psychotic right now because everyone has a voice in their heads. Mine is still paranoid sometimes and it says random phrases that don’t make any sense. Still says “I hate you,” which is odd because I don’t hate myself as far as I’m aware. Perhaps this voice is a different brand of thought.

@Lenny: I am glad your psychosis is gone, good for you! Sorry about your mood swings though, that sucks. At least you are aware so you can talk to someone. I need to start therapy again with someone who treats psychosis. I imagine that will be helpful.

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I have limited insight into my moods. It’s like the depression creeps up on me. I’m currently diagnosed with sza-bipolar, I think, but my doctor is saying that I’m likely bipolar. I have a hard time seeing this as my moods are currently stable enough. I think it’s ■■■■■■■■ sometimes how my mood can cause or influence psychosis. I know psychosis can make my moods unwell too.

I sometimes think I have Asperger’s on top of everything but I’m not sure. I was diagnosed at one time before my schizophrenia diagnosis at 22ish.

I guess that’s why I have trouble thinking and doing things. I never had a relationship or anything. I have problems cooking and with routine/addictions. I’m addicted to soda and energy drinks.

I was told I was gifted or bright before many times before and after my illness, but I cannot seem to even attend community college successfully. I probably could do the work but I wouldn’t get straight A’s anymore.

I know I couldn’t attend or pass any math classes at a university, specifically upper division. Hence, why I’m stuck doing nothing.

I guess I wanted to work on wall street at one time, but now I’m left unemployed and I really took a hit on my self-esteem and psyche.

I don’t have a problem stocking shelves but I just cannot drive and I have given up mostly on interacting with people. I have given up on humanity in a lot of ways. I just don’t have enthusiasm or joy being around people anymore.

I wish I was one of those savants that could just do instant calculations in their head lol. It would make life much more interesting and simple. I probably could make money out of it.

But I’m blessed with very mild symptoms.

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It’s so much. So many different disgnoses spawned from differing opinions. I’ve been diagnosed with OCD with psychotic features, psychotic depression, sza depressive type, sza bipolar type, bipolar 1 with psychotic features, and just sza with no subtype. Sometimes I feel like these diagnoses are bogus, that no one really knows what’s going on and they’re just guessing. Maybe there’s nothing wrong with me at all. I can’t afford to go down that line of thinking. I’m so tired of it all.

I’ve been called gifted too, brilliant even, but right now I’m stuck in my head, confused and unsettled. It sucks. I feel like I’m not as bright as I used to be. Things are harder now. It’s hard for me to motivate myself to do much of anything, and when you’re not motivated to do any work, the work becomes more challenging I suppose.

I tend to isolate now, because I’d rather think about what’s going on in my head than interact with others. I speak to people online, but in person I’ve pretty much lost interest. I don’t often want to “hang out” with anyone, but even when I do, I’ve found that people don’t take too kindly to hanging out with me.

The kicker is that I too have mild symptoms. If I struggle with this, I can only imagine how people with more severe symptoms feel.

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