I smoked a lot after my 1st psychosis - for 3 years. From dawn till dusk. I came back to my country and didn’t smoke for a while then I had my 2nd psychosis and got diagnosed with sz. I miss the good times
damn… I’m sorry for you. I’m almost 30 and never had a period of weed in my life, just a whole year before I stopped in february.
I wish I could smoke once in a week. I never had an hedonistic period in my life and I dont think I seized a lot. honestly, pot was the only thing that helped my shitty sex drive, it also made me feel so alive. I dont know what to do now. the idea of abandoning weed for life depresses me, but I think I would break if I trigger 24/7 voices. guess its never easy
I rarely hear voices now. Usually it is when I’ve consumed a lot of alcohol or smoked cannabis. Nowadays well, I function alright. I think I was higher functioning before. I’m okay though and haven’t had a psychotic episode in awhile.
seems pot is a bad bad drug for the mind overall
Marijuana is bad news!! I never smoked, just had 2 pieces of space cake at 32 and that was enough to trigger sz.
Oh okay then…!!! Sz is freaking bad…!!!
I only ever started smoking the odd joint of weed AFTER i was diagnosed with Sz. I know its frowned upon here - but i just have a couple in a week and it relieves my anxiety. My social worker is more concerned about my alcohol misuse rather than having the odd joint. He even suggested i spark one up after i was stressed one day. Too much of course can cause problems with us Schizos - but for me personally it helps. I think you just gotta treat weed with a bit of respect and only use occasionally.
Yep they almost completely went away since I’ve been on meds and haven’t smoked in a month. Some people are just predisposed to them and have a bad time while others can smoke all they want. Best of luck!
My doctor tells me the same thing. “Don’t beat yourself up” It is hard not to blame myself and the drugs.
Canada legalises pot this month
Im in Canada and I heard not until October
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