For those in the U.S on ssdi

Have you ever worried about getting kicked off ssdi? Everytime I go to my Dr I worry the information I give her (or lack thereof) could be used against me. For instance I don’t describe everything I go through in the 3 months since I’ve seen the dr. I hate repeating things over & over again everytime I go in. What worries me is I am not a very expressive person & I like to live in the moment, when I’m feeling half way decent the bad memories fade quickly & is not easy for me to recover them, during the short dr visit.

I am worried that when I have a ssdi review everything I didn’t say such as I felt like the cars were following me or that random person or persons or world as a whole can read my thoughts & is interacting with me. Might could be used as a reason to give me the boot. I cannot work the general public extremely frightens me to the point i rarely leave my house… I havent been in a car in over 3 weeks.

With the trump administration eyeballing entitlement cuts I just worry alot.

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don’t worry…nobody is taking away your benefits…just act stable, you’re on meds so you can be stable and not have any worry about your dr. visits…

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I haven’t thought about it, but now I am. Hmm. I guess it would be in your best interest to be the squeaky wheel so you don’t get booted off SSDI. Do you have certain time that you will get reviewed? It seems like I got reviewed once but I don’t remember what all it entailed. It seems like I just filled out a form and that was all I had to do.

Don’t blame Trump he is doing a great job as president. No one is going to take it away.

If your on disability for schiz or schizaffe from what I am told it is very difficult to kick someone off unless you go out and challenge it. Like work too much or go to school. Social security has to prove you are not disabled anymore to kick you off.

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I’ve never heard anyone on here say that they got kicked off of Social Security Disability unless they used up a work trial so you might want to ask if anyone has gotten kicked off

I mean I haven’t heard anyone on this website say they got kicked off

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not to worry, your benefits are safe. I’ve been working for 3 1/2 years and still on Medicare. If I were to lose my job, I’m sure I’d get ssdi reinstated.

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Thanks everyone, it helps big time to get other’s input on somethings like this. Recently I decided I would like to be my own payee & was freaking out that maybe they would review my case or something or another. But I see the dr tomorrow I’m going to ask her if she would ok it if she had to sign something or write a short letter to the ss office.

Yes I am paranoid schizophrenic according to my paper work.

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