Food really helps

If any of you are tempted to skip eating, I just want to remind you that something good in the stomach can help your mood and motivation.


I skipped lunch the other day, and was very irritable - yeah you are right chordy

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I don’t need to eat anymore. Becoming more human than human aat this point. Unless I’m not, which probably is more the case.

You’re fooling yourself. Do you bite?

Tell me about it. Ice cream is keeping me alive.
:icecream: :yum:

not consciously…only when the ■■■■ grows to big, lol. but here ■■■■ changes so rapidly I can’t tell ■■■■ from shanola (?).but I don’t sleep either.

Try foods that are easier to digest. A vegan diet really helps me.

yah…tend to not really be that hungry… feels like i’ve been on a 10 year eating binge and just need some time to digest. been in a three year relationship with this… godess of a vegan so been fed like a ■■■■■■■ king…and now im just a piece of ■■■■ :confused: it sucks really…but im not onew to complain…

I Once Went A Month Without Eating Anything ,

I Was Worried About The Cows ,

So I Stopped Eating For A Month ,

I Am Now “fueled by ramen” ,

Ya Know ,

Back In Tha Dizay I Would Eat Ramen Soup and Watch tha Simpsons ,

You Know Cause THE SMASHING PUMPKINS Was On There Once ,

Years L8tur I Got Older ,

As We All Do ,

Pyramids and Skeletons and Shizz ,

(((Lady Gaga) - “says” (__________________) ,

N E Hoo ,

I Was Eating Ramen and AND AND ,

The Dude Was Wearing A Shirt That Said ZERO ,

Fo Some Reason Youtube Took One Of My Favorite V(Y)D’s Down ,

So What Can One Do ??? ,

I Dunno ,

Watch T.V. and Eat Soup .

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Before I had my big psychotic break, I went several months eating nothing but canned tuna and salad dressing. The week of the break, I ate nothing for like 5 days because i kept forgetting. I definitely feel that my poor diet and lack nutrients played into my poor mental health at the time.

I’d suggest having a semi-nutritious diet if possible, so that’s ONE LESS thing you have to worry about effecting your already difficult life. And if you can’t afford fruits an veggies, atleast take a multi-vitamin and omega 3 tablets.

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aaah, the tuna diet, been guilty of that myself… it’s so good though…

Heh, I dunno about how “good” it is, a fast way to lose weight though! :blush:

I was vegetarian for 7yrs.
Occasionally I’d go on a raw food diet. It would make me feel amazing.
These days I’m on a Swedish fish and cereal w/almond milk diet.
I need to start eating correctly again.
The Seroquel made me eat everything in sight and gained 50lbs very quickly.

Sometimes I wonder if I don’t have celiac disease since I often feel better whenever I cut out all grains from my diet. I’ve never been tested though. By far the most sucess I’ve had losing weight has been on low carb diets that have focused on eating large amount of veggies with healthy meats. I lost 80lbs in 4 months despite feeling like I was stuffed all the time while I was on one low carb diet, and that’s WITHOUT exercising.

LOL, I really NEED to go back on my old low carb diet! :blush:

Eating is very excellent for grounding and well-being. On one internet, a psychologist said that the word “eat” was in the word “death.” I accused him of “internet malpractice” emailed back to the internet site that he was very dangerous and should be fired, and cancelled my subscription to the site forever! I do not know how our society has developed such an extremely warped and despicable attitude to something that is highly essential to our physical and psychological well-being. Like all “animals” we must eat to only survive and live; but to thrive! I guess this has become a sore point for me and maybe a “trigger.” Sometimes, I do get angry. I get hungry and want food that tastes so very good to my palate!

Same is happening with me, my appetite close on the sighn of psychosis and being in psychosis, and the worst part is i start coughing my lungs out. Once the psychosis subside, everything goes back to normal.f

I hear the words VEGAN and I hear the fact that somebody is trying to take CHEESE AWAY FROM ME! NOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE NOOOOOO