Should I go to the hospital? A poll

Today I am so depressed. I started to think k am dead. Now I know j am, have been for a long time. Medications must have made me delusional that I wasnt. I also am starting to think again that I am an alien and that the government is watching me. I want to die. I would shoot myself. My dad has a gun here I can use and he leaves his keys out a lot so I could easily get it…

  • Yes
  • No
  • Wait until tomorrow
  • You’re just faking it anyway

0 voters

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I dont think I’ll do it tonight but maybe soon. I just hate myself sk badly

Please bring yourself to a hospital


Yes, you should go to hospital whenever you want to kill yourselves.

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I’ve been like 8 times. Im sick of it

I voted yes, the fact you have a plan and are feeling the way you are, it is time to go to the ER

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You need to think positive. Isn’t abilify take away your positive symptoms already? Try to watch something or talk to someone like crisis hot line to distract yourself.

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I went off of abilify a couple months back due to fear of possible side effects

So you are not on any meds now?

No no medications at all

Oh damn then head to the ER right away, this is not something you can do on your own, without meds


Did you experience any side effect while you was on abilify? That is why you are so delusional. Please get back on med soon.

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I dont think I had side effects but I am prediabetic from seroquel

I’m sza and off meds I get the same way you do, last time off meds they rushed me to hospital due to a over dose, a gun there is no coming back so please go to ER

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How many times have you been hospitalized?

Please go to the hospital so you can get some help for these thoughts and feelings you’re having. I don’t want you to suffer anymore and they can help you get on some meds and get some counseling. I’ve been to the hospital 9 times for trying to hurt myself and the last time really made a difference. They really helped me a lot. This might be the time that you finally get the help you need to get better for good.


over the years about 6 or 7

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I have switched meds to avoid side effects. There is a choice out there. You need to find one that’s acceptable to you

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Abilify has the least side effects. You don’t gain as much weight as seroquel. I know a lady in support group who take abilify injection for 10 years now. She is looking for job which mean she is doing fine after 10 years. Even you has side effects later on, the doctor either take you off of it or give you medicine to combat it. Don’t worry about something that is not happen yet. Take it day by day. Just think medicine will be better and better in the future. There is another med just finished phrase 2 trail. It won the breakthrough award and has very few side effect.

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You won’t have a chance if you…lol. You really want to feel good. Do something to make your self feel good. I think you should go to hospital! getting on meds can save your life. lol. And give you a fighting chance to be happy. Be a problem solver, be part of the solution and get help. SOON! lol
@Moon !

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