Focusing on the bipolar part of sza

Since I’m not having psychotic symptoms for the last few months, I’ve been focusing on coping skills for the bipolar part of my spectrum.

I downloaded an app called emood, to track my moods. I started journaling my moods, writting down any fluctuations.

Since I’m on a dx limbo right now, I’m going to try to be more proactive in recovery from all aspects of my illness.

Keeps my mind off the substances issue, also.

Well, have a great day everyone. Thanks for reading.


Good idea. Umm… Is it still possible to keep track of moods when we are busy with life activities?

It sounds to me better to have mood disorder than telling others that something went wrong with my thoughts.

It is. I carry a notebook with me.

Both combined kinda sucks.


I’ve been doing this with my depression. It’s an odd switch to make, after dealing with the psychosis for so long.

I feel a bit up in the air about it, not really sure how to go about it. As the psychosis has receded, I’ve cycled back to dysthymia. I’m so used to fighting monsters that I don’t know how to combat ordinary household pests :smile_cat:


Bi polar symptoms seem terrible…it seems like you need a boost of endorphins to get out of the down swings…my bi polar friend. Takes happy pills and smokes alot of pot…he has a good job a relationship and takes care of his mom…but he still gets in a funk sometimes and wont talk to anyone…

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I, too, smoke pot to rid myself of the mood swings! It neutralizes that and also helps with anxiety and some other stuff.

I know I, for one, am short on endorphins. I am deprived of normal brain chemical ratios, my ratios of dopamine, seratonin, endorphins, etc…all off, makes me chase after substitutes, like cannabis. I’m just grateful it never turned into addiction to a hard drug like meth. Meth is pretty common in my city. Never tried it, never will. Nothing is scarier than Hitler drugs methamphetamine was given to Hitler by his Doctor and given to Nazis in general
…and i went off on a tangent again…
That is awesome that your friend can be so successful in life while maintaining his illness!

Last research I saw on Bipolar mania was there is often broken sleep tossing and turning a few days before the mania hits. Mind you that’s like tens years old but still seems relevant even for SZA. Control the ups you don’t come crashing down. Have heard many swear SAM-e for the depression.

I just take O-mega 3 a ton of sups as well as meds and therapy. All helps.

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That’s interesting, thanks Dreamscape :slight_smile:

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I know, riiiight?
But honestly, moods are harder to deal with. Psychosis is “just in my head”, the moods show outside, and it’s so hard not to act on them.