(Flupentixol) Do dystonia and akathisia go away?

I am on flupentixol and have been on it for 2 months. However I keep having my eyes go up and akathisia really horrible. It comes and goes maybe once or twice a week. I wanted to know if it is permanent?

They will most likely go back to normal after discontinuing the drug. Hang in there with akathisia, that stuff is brutal but will go away just gotta wait it out.

Are you taking Benztropine or any other anticholinergic drugs? That should help with the dystonia, I think. You better check with your psychiatrist for sure.

I’v had those side effects aswell when I started on my Clopixol depot injection nearly 30 years ago. The Doctor gave me the anticolinergic meds Akinton is it called in Europe I believe and these releaved the side effects of akatesia and dystonia and shaking.emphasized text
Fluanxol is very simular to my meds Clopixol and I’v tried all the sec gen antipsychotics and all of them had more severe side effects than Clopixol. The reason of my weight gain of 20 pounds in the last 10 years is caused by the Seroquel addition. I dont know the statistic but most of the pattients on fluanxol or Clopixol in the ward were slim.
I don’t know how you feel exactly on fluanxol. I just know that I will never swap my LAI with any 2. or 3. Gen antipsychotic.

It won’t go away unless you lower dose. What dose do you take?

Sorry for the late reply I take 30mg every 3 weeks. I have procyclidine anticholinergic and it helps but has huge side effects itself. If it won’t go away then the only option is to swap.

Honestly I will just cold turkey it. This is too hellish, I would vomit, eyes go up and akathisia all at the same time. My psychiatrist refused to swap me despite these side effects.

I get a depot shot of depixol every 2 weeks. I found I had less side effects on the depot than on the oral version

I think if you can tolerate it it is a very powerful med. but as many folk on this thread can attest it is strong on side effects

Yea it’s very effective for the schizophrenia but the side effects are making me suicidal

I ended up getting it, the agitation is too much for me

I had akathisia when I was on Abilify about 12-13 years ago

After discontinuing the medication,the akathisia subsided

Get off that stuff ASAP. Akathisia is dangerous.

Brim if you in any way can avoid cold turkey that would be the best. I went cold turkey on Ziprasidone 2 years ago and I’ve just recovered lately. I could have died maybee 8 time during that process. I used the antipsychotics qutiapine as a bridge drug for comming off of Ziprasidone.
Now I’m on qutiapine 800 mg by mouth & 500 mg Clopixol depot every 3 week & 2 akinetons for side effects.
So choose a bridge drug !!!

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I think I will return to quetiapine if my current psychiatrist refuses, I will swap. Even though I was not taking it, I was fine.

Brim if you’ve been taking Fluanxol for less than 5 years it’s loads less painfull making a swap.
If you are none complient or patiial complient like me you should consider one of the following options.

Firstl choice 2 Gen LAI depots
1 Abilify maintaina
2. Papliperidone palimate
3. Risperidone for LAI
4. Zyprexa LAI.

Sec choice 1 Gen LAI depots.
1 Haldol depot
2 Fluohenazine
3. Zuclopenthixol
4. Perphenazine.

Zuclopenthixol (Trade name Clopixol) has done me well for 27 years with the anticolinergic pills 2 x akineton.


Thank you for the extensive reply. I think my only option here are paliperidone or olanzapine. I tried the other ones and did not work for me. I will ask for olanzapine last time I asked she said it’s only available in hospitals.

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I’ve learned that the Zyprexa depot is a very good depot for schizophrenia and so is paliperidone,

Good luck with your new depot.

I hope you have public healt care where you are cause the price of those are around 1300 us $$$

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