What was the first video game you played. Mine was kid chameleon for the mega drive.
Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventures and Commander Keen for the pc.
I started with a game called Twin Bee on Atari. Then came Nintendo 64 with a great football game called Striker and Super Mario Bros. I miss playing with Flying Mario and Yoshi
I miss being a kid in general.
Frogger on atari
Pong - Yeah I know, Im old
Super Mario.
15 chars
Hmm. Well I think my first console was a GameCube or a PS2.
I don’t know the first game but if I had to guess maybe NBA Live 06, Call of Duty 2, The Sims for PC, something like that.
90 percent of my gaming has been Halo 3, I played that probably 2-3 hours a day for two or three years when I was in middle school.
Super Mario on the first Nintendo
Elite for the bbc micro - that ■■■■ was light years before its time.
I used to play halo 3 in high school with my friends every weekend. We would play infection and build cool maps
Prince of persia
My Dad bought us ‘Telstar’ when I was 11 or 12…
That’s over 35 years ago. This was the game-
Basically a ball with paddles on the screen. But man we loved it!
Super Mario on the first Nintendo (duck hunt pack)
My favorite game ever is Ocarina of Time for N64!!
@wave I must be old too. My first video game was Pong also. I was in college at that time.
Somekinda “bipbip” game. Donkey Kong, maybe.,
actually, come to think of it, my first game was “snake” on my dads pc.
Thus Was One Of My Favorites back In tha Day … ,
I Friggin Loved ZELDA , e(Y)e Had That One On Nintendo , (im old laLAla) ,
but My Favorite Gayme Ever (three of them) , (its a triple way tie)
MARIO KART & & & Mike Tysons Punch Out &&& STAR FOX , Altho STAR FOX Was From Nintendo 64 I Think … ,
I Can’t Play gaymes N e More Tho , I Jus Get Hypnotically Bored …
I think it was a game called “superspeed” on a 386 computer. Game was 45 kilobytes. Took 3 hours to download lol