First kiss anyone?

There was this one girl who would grab food off other people’s plates. She was totally uninhibited and ready to do something unpredictable. I found that sexy.

Your a wild man. Lol

I considered her mind state to be of a high breed. Her looks and everything showed evolution in my view point.

Yeah I’d like to meet a girl who’s at least interested in mental health.

Voices are loud again.

Dude here the situation. Apparently everyone is telepathic and I pisses them all off when I determined that they’re all probably bi. Started try to talk with my mind. I didn’t really know what I was doing back then. People had called me gay spawning an identity complex. Every since then it’s either people or voices commenting on my sexuality every 15 to 30 seconds. It’s ■■■■■■■ bs man I can’t escape this ■■■■. All I want to do is clear my head and life of all the labels. This damn psychosis won’t let it go.

That’s the situation I’m in. It’s so ■■■■■■■ annoying.

I can even here your voice when I think about it. You multilinear dude o_O?

I can identity with your situation. We’re dealing with LGBT. BRB getting vodka.

Well these people have changed my mind over the last couple of years. They’ve all proven themselves straight. No homosexual tendencies at all. No fear of it no self consciousness. I mean I guess I don’t even really know what they are thinking but the way they socialize and operate shows they got no preoccupation with it. That’s straight to me.

Knowing that has given me a little more confidence in my own heterosexuality. Just statistically speaking. Actually I’m pretty comfortable with the homo stuff but I have reservations against participating myself. Don’t really know why anyone ■■■■ the back side. I mean if that’s what people are inclined to then it’s whatever. Just kind of gross to me.

Anyways my point is in totally over this ■■■■ but I have ■■■■■■■ schizophrenia and well it’s just ■■■■■■■ stupid as I described before.

They’re just trying to psyche you out.

We’re dealing with the synagogue of satan…

Yeah well it’s super ■■■■■■■ stupid. I don’t want to think about it anymore. I know that’s what’s next. Learning to just ignore the messages like I do my voices. It’ll be tough but it’s what I gotta do. I don’t have to defend myself. I’ll let my being do the talking.

It just sucks man voices are totally not an issue anymore they’re still pretty annoying, but I’m pretty good at not listening and they go away pretty frequently.

Then something new comes along.

You might be right about these entities. This shits weird. I can certainly tell they aren’t physically here in my room but I can hear them clicking and make short words. It’s freaking me out I’m getting chills and stuff. They just won’t stop regardless of where my focus goes. I can’t wait to get some sleep. Avoid staying up at night.

Man they don’t sound demonic, if anything it’s alien or interdimensional. Can’t believe I’m saying those words.

Now I’m worrying about how much worse I can get. Really, no more caffeine for me.

Their trying to tell me I’m dead lol. That I succeed in killing myself. I don’t believe that ■■■■ for a second.

It wont drive you insane just by believing they are real. I’ve dealt with such a belief for the past 8 years and I am OK.

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It’s not about insanity it’s about hallucinating and becoming delusional think there is some kind of intelligence that’s reading and interacting with minds.

What’s the worse that can happen?

These ones just seem to be watching. They told me death was final. They also told me to talk to them but they didn’t answer any of my questions. So…

I guess it is my personal experience. Just like everyone else they want me dead it seems. Else they would leave me be.

They just said you get stoned and hang yourself.