What was your first kiss like

I never kissed a girl…and I have never been on a date. What was your first kiss like?


Oddly I don’t remember mine

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It was really kind of gross. Too much mouth.


It was nice…

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Mine was different,
Think I was 12…
I panicked and jammed my tongue down his throat in an attempt to French kiss.
He gagged :sweat_smile:

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kinda awkward haha. i was very shy, and had to take a couple weeks to work myself up to it. my girlfriend was very patient with me :blush:

I don’t want to remember mine.

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mine was pretty good, me and this girl went up to the water tower and were laying on the hood of her car talking and looking at stars for like 20 minutes. we saw shooting stars go by, and then i made a move and kissed her. we made out for like 20 minutes and we started dating that night. that was when i was 16.

we were just friends up until then.

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I refused my first kiss, was disgusted. She kissed my ears lol After a while I kissed her at her house, we were drinking so it tasted wine lol

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It was my 16th birthday… I was drinking. It was okay I guess… the person did kiss me again after so guess it was so bad.

Mine was at high school b day party but i was at middle school.i don t know why but i was popular kid at my neighbour at middle school.guys from high schools always call me to their b day parties.first i kissed a girl at there.it was like atomic bomb at my mind.super sensation.i really love this kind of feelings.but its too far away now.lame😞



My dog woke me up so he could go pee outside.

That was my first kiss. Lol.


It was awkward and sloppy – takes a bit of time to get the hang of it

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When I was in kindergarten a boy kissed me behind the bookshelf lol.


Yes mine was nice enough

He just gave me a peck on the lips. I was 13. I was kind of numb but it was ok.

I was nearly 15 and had my first boyfriend who kissed me under the stars. It felt strange as his tongue was tasteless. But I did respond. It was gross and exciting at same time

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Kinda sensationless. Just lips. We didn’t french kiss.

First “kiss” was when I was 7. My friend and I walked in on his older sister and her boyfriend. We asked what they were doing. They explained that a French kiss is like a regular kiss, except your tongues touch. We talked it over and decided we would try it out. I stuck out my tongue, he stuck out his tongue, and they touched. We were REVOLTED and swore we would never do it again.

When I was 14 I had my first actual kiss. It was from a boy I had a crush on, after school but before cheer practice. I was first excited, then totally grossed out because he opened his mouth and put his tongue in my mouth and I got his spit in my mouth! I think I said thank you, then ran off. I found my friend and asked if she had any toothpaste because I got kissed and I had someone else’s spit in my mouth! Didn’t try it again until I was 17.


I kissed a neighborhood girl during a game of Truth or Dare.

I was like 13.

I didn’t really make out with a girl until I was 19 in my first psyche ward. I was in the kitchen by myself one night and she walked up to me and kind of giggled and leaned in to me and next thing I knew we were making out. She had very soft lips and it was nice. I had nothing to compare it to but she seemed like a pretty good kisser. It ended when we heard some walking up to us.

Later that night I almost lost my virginity to her but a nurse walked in the room we were in and broke it up.

Darn nurse was hot, I wish I had lost my virginity to her.

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