Yep, last night I actually slept a full 8 hours, no waking up for several hours, no waking up in the morning really jittery and restless, no restlessness later in the day where my hands are trembling. Today will be the first day I take the 5 mg dose though so it may be a short lived victory, but still. I’m glad I stuck with it!
That’s brilliant news. Do you have any idea what the target dose is going to be? Watch out for suicidal ideation, as this can possibly occur in <10mg doses.
I’m not sure. I’m going to be on 5 mg for 30 days though I think. Suicidal ideation is typical for me anyways so if it happens again I’m prepared (as I have depression w psychotic features)
OK, be on the look out. It might not happen. Glad things are going well for you.
Good news. I will try this med. Can it help you sleep better?
It made me drowsy and loopy the first few days. After that, absolutely not it was quite stimulating and I had severe insomnia and restlessness for about a week, even when on a benzo I only got about 3 hours straight of sleep. Last night I finally fell asleep normally. It also made me reaaaally hungry until I started taking B complex vitamins w it.
This med is a little complicated. I need doctor’s comment.
Anyway, congrats @Anna for a good sleep.
I’m not at a therapeutic dose yet and I’ve only been on it a couple weeks now. I’d ask someone who’s been on it longer what their experience is too, but definitely talk to your doctor! Good luck
Yay!!! That is great!
thats great news, i really hope it works out for you
@SzAdmin Daze has continuously followed my posts and harassed me for a large duration of my time on this site. I’m tired of it.