First crush

Who was your first crush?
What do you remember?

I had a crush on a 12 y/o classmate when i was 11.
I remember on our last year’s school camp, we secretly held hands in the middle of a dark forest at night, during a game. It was very exciting and romantic to me then.
A classmate saw us and told everyone. I was very ashamed. It was all quite innocent.

I met him a few years back and still found him physically attractive, strangely.


I was in 5th grade and he was in my class.

I just liked him cause I thought he was funny.
We talked on the home phone a couple times.

Very glad we never officially dated tho cause I’m pretty sure the following year in 6th grade I didn’t like him anymore lol


My first crush was in prep school. This guy named Jerome… he had very curly dark hair and a lot of people thought he was annoying, but i thought he was way cute lol… I was in grade 1 or 2…liked him for 4 years… it was a long long time ago…


My girlfriend Kimmie when I was 5. We were friends and hung around our apartment complex all day. We played house and used to make out.



You made me realize I completely forgot my very first marriage candidate. From 3 to 7 y/o I had a boy best friend. He promised to marry me. He was very macho, I think, and would play wild games. And defend me against my mum if she reprimanded me. And dragged me to his house by the hood of my jacket if I refused to play. He became an army officer when he grew up, I know.

He didnt keep his promise very well, but I still have a love poem from him in my friends book. I didnt have a crush…he just said he would be my husband as an adult.


Like childhood crush or real crush?
My first childhood crush was Dan Thomas from my 2nd grade class.
He loved to re-enact disney movies, and he cast me as Nala in Lion King. We kissed and were a couple for a whole three days.

He broke up when the others found out.
I sent him a pink, perfumed love letter, but I didn’t win him back.


That is cute. Too bad he broke up.
Mine was a childhood crush, but i really had butterflies.
But both are fine.


I fell in love with t.v. women apparently my mom told me…I remember a show about a black nurse I think the show was called “julia” and I had a crush on her I remember…also, susan dey of the “partridge family” show. haha


I think I was in the 3rd grade with a boy named Kerry Kim (KK as he was called). He had dark hair and blue eyes. My dad has seen him as an adult and tells me he’s funny looking now.


Not really a crush but the first romantic subplot in my life began in junior kindergarten. I saw a girl in the hydrofield far from the playground and i was by myself an introvert from the beginning and went out to see what she was doing as she went behind one of the large poles. She was crying and said it was because she didnt have a boyfriend and i said ill be your boyfriend. We sat together holding hands until after recess was over and someone came looking for the missing children. we were friends until i had to leave the school for some reason in senior kindergarten. I forgot about her eventually. In highschool a guy i knew called me and asked me if i liked a certain girl because she asked and i said i didnt know who that was. Towards the end of highschool my mom asked if i was in school with the girl i knew in kindergarten and realised that was her. I saw her a few times in different places over the years and never spoke to her.


Mine was in kindergarten.

We were playing hospital and i was a patient and the girl was doing a checkup at me. I was just looking at her like “omggg im in looove” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Then she asked me what I was looking at and I was speechless :smile:

Sir levels tales of romance :rose:


I had several but was too shy to actually date and have sex until I dated and lost my virginity at 22y.o. during a wild house party. I made out in the parent’s bed of my gf’s friend lol


I also somehow destroyed the door handle. Her friend was mad at me and told my gf to never invite me to her house again lol


My first crush was a boy named Josh. I was 10 and he was 11.

We actually “went out” with each other until people started talking about us. I couldn’t handle that drama and broke up with him. I regretted that decision all through middle school lol.

I heard he is abusive towards his fiance now. Sad.

My most intense crush though was my best friend in highschool. I never could tell her.

Awkward, awkward times.


Supposedly hilarious true joke:

Once when I was about 39, a young lady who liked me at work, at a workplace with a large number of very good looking young people, told me I had the best hair of any guy around there.

I responded with a true story. I indicated my hair hadn’t seemed to help me a great deal, because my first crush married a 40 year old bald guy who had already built his own house.

Several ladies thought that was hilarious, and said things like: “Hmmm. This one has ‘the hair,’ and this one has a HOUSE. Which one will benefit me more?”

I’m glad they found it entertaining. That crush lasted from about the age of 15 to about the age of 18, when she married the bald 40 year old, as I recall.

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I was to traumatised for a crush. When i think back a lot girls liked me, but it just didn’t happen.

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I had a lot of crushes in elementary school but in Jr high I got close to a girl. We’d hold hands and look into each other’s eyes at lunch. I remember her teeth had spaces between them and she had blackheads in her nose.

She left me abruptly for a junior in high school. I guess she wanted someone faster.


I used to like a guy at school when i was 11 but he had a girlfriend then I left to go to another school
I used to like Captain Kirk of star trek when I was about 8


I would say my first major crush as a kid was avril lavigne when she brought out that album skater boy. Was obsessed with her haha.


My first crush was in Kindergarten lol it was a girl named Amy, and I learned when I got older that she lived on my street, but proceeded to never talk to her and avoid her like the plague from shyness. :laughing::joy::grin:

My first real crush tho was my friend’s sister Victoria in the 3rd grade. Looool I remember I went to his house and we had pork chops. The pork chops had fat on them which I HATE but I was trying to impress her and not be rude so I just ate it anyways :joy: