Did you have a childhood sweetheart?

I had a girlfriend in the eight grade we sat facing each other at lunch holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. It was sweet. I was very shy and couldn’t kiss her.


Yeah, i was in year 2. So about 7 or 8 years old. We’d hold hands, sometimes hug. Was pretty cute now that i think about it. I’d forgotten we was buddies like that.

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I did have lol. Emma Gould. Shes wasn’t that pretty - but her golden Heart made up for that.

She Qualified as a Midwife, and emigrated and went to Texas US.

They were innocent times then.

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I did during secondary school she was called Marie and was the first girl that kissed me actually during a game of laser tag. She’s married now but I still remember the valentine’s day card she gave me when I was 13 years old.

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At 10 years old I had a lovely friend. He suffered with eczema like myself
I sat at the table with him when we first met and he said to another student “beans beans good for your heart the more you eat the more you fart. I said I’m trying to work here and we friends from then on

i met a boy from france and he was honestly really sweet towards me, we went our opposite ways after we realized it will be some time before we meet in person again. miss him a ton though)

I had a crush on a girl. She didn’t think I existed.

I liked Tommy in kindergarten, Bruce in 1st grade, Gary in 3rd grade, Terry in 5th grade. My first real boyfriend was in the 9th grade.

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Yes! His name is Aaron. I had a crush on him from 13-17 years old. We dated on and off between those ages. It was just puppy love.

I had a thing for a boy named Jared in my class when I was around 6,7,8.in Australia.
Then around age ten I had a thing for a guy Patrick in my class in Sweden.
The. I fancied a few others when I was older.
When I was around 13 in Sweden I fancied a musician named Santiago with long curly hair.
He was gorgeous!:two_hearts:

No one wanted to be my boyfriend anc I was bullied for being ugly.
At school dances all the other girls got asked to slow dance except me.

Strange but for a few months when I was thirteen quiet a few boys at school in Gothenburg thought I was pretty but I was kind of dominated like a empty body on a leash by a few girls anc I became timid and not myself anymore and they nolonger thought I was pretty etc

Yeah, her name was Stephanie Farber. I adored her but she never felt the same about me.

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I didn’t have a childhood sweetheart. But I did have a lot of childhood crushes. I was too timid to make them aware of my existence.

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