feels good, right? realizing i can do certain things gives me more power over my life and my decisions. I dont want to be controled by another. i want to control myself. I would think every one would like some amount of control over how good or bad our lives can be. and i see no problem with that. yep, feels good. just got done with a couple of things myself too. lol simple things, yes. but also feel very lucky and humbled knowing that i still can do those. and things will get better. A steady drip fills the bucket. One day, my “cup” will run over.
I have considered supplements but I’m not sure what I’m deficient in.
I’m vegetarian but I might try omega-3 tablets as they are technically not meat…
There is a whole other side to this site
If your not eating meat and feel low energy then b-12 might help. (might turn urine a bright color too so dont get caught off guard by that)
meat has most of the b-12 we need.
Natural b12 sources are the skins of vegetables that are grown under ground.
There are ways to get b12 without meat. It is considered essential but it is a ridiculously small amount needed. Most multivitamins are good for supplementing if taken daily.
Also the vegan/vegetarian options for Omega 3 is sea weed and flaxseed. Flaxseed is about the only viable option for obtaining adequate Omega 3s.
There is this though, it’s worth seeking out. As well as similar products out there.
Is it preoccupation with your condition that is distracting you from being able to enjoy things fully?
There are two sides to symptoms of psychosis. Positives and negatives… The positives are hallucinations and delusions. The real clear manifestation of the illness. The negatives are more a generic byproduct of most illnesses and really do have a stronger need for psychological strength.
Avolition is one of them. That’s the lack of drive.
The general disinterest in things is apathy…
You should really pressure your family or support structure to help you find more expedient help.
Are these experiences things you are new to? Or are these things you’ve dealt with over time?
I think avolition is what I struggle with most right now.
I’ve been struggling with it for many months. At school and college, I could easily revise for hours in addition to doing other things but something switched in my brain in March and suddenly I couldn’t revise for the life of me. Everything seemed like too much work.
Sometimes I’m very apathetic… I think what is the point?
I don’t like asking for help because I feel guilty and frustrated with myself. I should be able to do these simple things.
Being realistic means accepting new limitations and forgiving yourself.
You clearly do have issues cropping up.
You can get back on the high horse later, but it takes a lot fo work and time and patience.
I couldn’t watch movies or TV for years because they were just disinteresting or too triggering. I can appreciate them now, but for a while it was easier just to avoid them.
I might recommend taking a break from the pressure and time out yourself. Let your head spin for a bit and just consider what it’s doing from a distance. Perhaps ponder of why it’s doing it.
Take the stress off. There certainly isn’t much you absolutely gotta do. You’ve got no reason to be disappointed. Just got more life ahead of you and you can do what you want with that when it comes.
Wow, you are only 18… I am 34 and have never used facial cream, and I rarely use shaving foam or aftershave. I am also a smoker since 2014. I might regret all these later, but for now I am pretty happy with my skin
Haha I’ve been into skin care since I was 12!
I use facial wash, exfoliator, cleanser, toner, moisturiser, masks etc. Make every day a spa day!