Fell of the diet bandwagon today

I’ve just ordered a pizza. 2000 calories per day is tough and I just caved in. This will probably set me back a week.

Oh man :confused:

Enjoy :slight_smile:

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Just live life to its fullest.

I eat stuff that’s high in calories once in a while, but it doesn’t make me fat.

I used to be on a 1600-kcal diet and lost 7 kg for 3 months but it was tough so I stopped dieting and now eat what l want, around 2000kcal a day. I put back on a few kg, but I’m much happier that now I take my meds in the morning instead of evening, I don’t overeat much anymore. Which is way better than being on a 1600-kcal diet and binge-eat every week in the long run.

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Hey, enjoy it, dont hang up on calories. sometimes its even healthy to eat more than usual.

Well, I had my pizza and all that’s left is an empty box of guilt, lol :smile:

Still, if I don’t eat anything else today, I might still be on track. :smile:

I’ve kind of lost interest in my diet and I’m trying to get back into it. It’s slow trying to lose weight. I’m a stone down, a stone and a half down from my worst, just got to lose another 2 stone.

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My way of dieting is to skip breakfast so I can have something to eat on a night. I’m normally up around 10am so I wait until 12pm to 1pm for my first meal. Second meal at 5pm then a meal left for night time.

For weight loss is preferable to eat every three hours, small amounts of food, low carbs, fat and sugar, skipping meals won’t help much.

Well, I only ended up eating around 2500 calories including the pizza and given that I’ve been on 2000 calories a day for a while, that averages out to 2100 calories for the last 5 days.

Today I weighed myself and had actually lost weight.

The weight loss train is still chugging forward.

Calorie counting is difficult but works.

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I’m stuck at 55 for the past four days

I had a weight plateau at 2500 calories/day. I kept dropping my calories by 100/day every week until I started losing weight.

To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat.

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What I heard was don’t try to make up for a binge, just get back on the wagon as if it never happened…

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I just didn’t eat much for the rest of the day to limit the damage. I was quite excited to see the weight loss this morning though, it motivated me again.