Feeling the synergistic effects of NAC and sarcosine on attention

The combination is greater than the sum of the parts.


I have not been taking NAC. Maybe I should start again.

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I think it takes a few weeks on both to feel the effects. In fact I have been taking nac for 6 weeks and sarcosine for 3.

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Could you be more specific about how it has helped you? And what kind are you using?

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I am solely judging the effects on attention. These last three days I have been able to follow movies and tv a lot easier and with more focus.

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Sarcosine I get from brain vitamins and the nac from amazon.

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I hope I experience the same thing. My Sarcosine and NAC is in the mail. I have a really big problem with attention.

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What is nac if i may ask?

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N Acetyl Cysteine. I think it is an amino acid but not sure.

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Thanks, I just ordered some nac from Amazon. :slight_smile:

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I hope it works for you. I have 4 x 600mg a day.

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I just check my mail and there was Sarcosine. Do you have to take it in the morning? Does it keep you up at night?

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I think @mermaid1 knows more about sarcosine than me.

I take 1 gram in the morning and another gram around 4pm. I find it keeps me up if I take it late on, but that’s just me.

Okay thanks. @anon20613941

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Did you get the powder form?

I have the powder form. I take 2 grams in the morning and 2 grams afternoon. You can start with 1 and see how it works for you. At first, when I took it, I did not notice a big difference but I have been taking it for a year and it seems it is removing the empty feeling for me. I am also brushing my teeth regularly and finish tasks.


Excellent @anon20613941.


Okay thanks @mermaid1. I’m gonna give it a go right now.


I got the powder and it had a good taste.


Wholly molly, I don’t feel like someone is using mind control on me.

It is not possible to do mind control. Every time you have a ridiculous idea, tell yourself you are ill, you need medication and distract yourself. People are so busy with themselves and their lives, controlling your mind is nobody’s interest.