Feeling sick on 1500mg of Depakote

This has never happened to me but I woke up feeling nauseous and very dizzy after increasing my Depakote dose from 1000mg to 1500mg
It’s day 2 on this dose and I’ve decided to go back to my previous regular dose of 1000mg.
I’m no longer feeling manic, it was triggered by the SAD lamp and I stopped using it.
I see my psychiatrist in under a month
I’ll tell her then.

I can’t tolerate it anymore
I’ve lost my appetite as well
My aging body can no longer handle higher doses of these meds


I took depakote years back I had to keep getting blood work. I’m sorry you feel bad. Raising the mg doesn’t always help. I had a trazodone incident where I took two and it overdosed me. Just be careful hugs.

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Thanks @roxanna

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Yeah SAD lamps did the same for me idk how it does it but within 30 minutes I become a wreck I lose it completely


The lamps act like antidepressants
A big no no for those of us with bipolar or strong bipolar tendencies

I use the light glasses theyve never made me manic. Maybe some people are just more sensitive to light? It keeps my circadian rhythm normal otherwise im a zombie in the morning and daytime lol

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Are you an ultra rapid cycler @LevelJ1?
Because I am.
This could be the reason why I’m affected

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I used to be, id cycle every 5 days for long time. But now it seems like my cycles might be several months long. I just had a 5 month severe depression from my last mania and now ive noticed i transitioned to a bit of hypomania the last few days.

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Decided to continue taking the increased dose.
I was a little high today (mania)

The side effects subsided some

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How do you feel now?

Still feeling a bit high but it’s not so severe
It’s going to take about a week before depakote starts working

How are you @zoa?

Edit: Actually I’ve been feeling a bit mixed

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