Feeling edgy

Noticed after starting up the Depakote.

Maybe it’s because I have to get used to this med again and being on edge and irritable is a normal reaction.

Hopefully it will subside.

Working my way slowly to 1000mg.

Currently I’m taking 500mg.

I hate this tense feeling.


I’m sorry,

I hope you start feeling better soon.

That’s a very uncomfortable feeling.

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Yes thanks @GoldenRex

Being on edge and irritable are also symptoms of hypo or mania. That should ease as you titrate up on Depakote.

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I hope you get through it @Wave.


Thanks @Jake

@SkinnyMe I don’t think it’s regular mania.
I started feeling this way as soon as I raised my Depakote dose to 500mg.

It’s the ■■■■■■■ Depakote

I’m sure of this

you should say to your p/doc or whoever you see about it, they might be able to help idk

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Yeah thanks @daydreamer
Last time I contacted my psychiatrist and told her I was suicidal she never got back to me.

But i can’t live like this.

I’m not feeling suicidal now just feeling real edgy and starting to get depressed again.

Over how much time @Wave ?

I’ll probably get to 1000mg in 2weeks but I think my doctor wants it sooner than this.

I’m med sensitive so I want to go kind of slow.

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I think you are right @SkinnyMe
I think it’s my illness acting up.

Now I am really depressed.

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You said “again”.
Why did you stop the Depakote the first time, @Wave ?

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Because I thought it was contributing to my fatty liver disease.

My doctor thinks otherwise.

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I remember that they do a lot of blood tests on that medication.
Would I be thinking right?


You are right @Ares
I have my Depakote levels and liver tests checked every 6 months or so.

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I hope the irritability and tension leave you Wave.
I know that when there is a “edge”, it can be uncomfortable.


You are so kind @Ares
Thanks for your support

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Now I’m not so edgy just feeling very depressed.

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sorry to hear it’s dragging you down =(
I hope you start to feel better soon…
but if you keep feeling like this then i would talk to your pdoc about it.

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Yes @lekkerhondje
I’m no longer feeling edgy.

Just some depression and feeling overwhelmed