I’ve been feeling it a lot this past week. im going to start working out more, but that seems a little foolish as well. I mean it’s not going to bring me any satisfaction in life, I just hope it wears me out each day so im numb to my emptiness.
I have no purpose right now. and there doesn’t seem to be any fix other than getting rich and travelling the world all the time. I don’t want sex, I don’t want more friends, I don’t want booze anymore, although I do sometimes think I would like something else to help with my meditation at night. I don’t know, just venting.
I’m feeling empty today as well, like theres no point to life. It’s a shitty ass feeling I know. It could be a combination of things like the changing seasons and boredom. I hope this feeling passes for you soon.
I am already numb to my emptiness, and I also have no purpose (except, at least the “spirit” that controls my body also helps out my mom).
It seems it’s already too late to read the Bible, for me.
@anon90843118 im on Invega sustenna 234mg every 5 weeks.
sorry everybody for subjecting you to my mood. I just took a shower and am feeling a bit better.
I shouldn’t say I don’t want friends. it’s just all my friends have other priorities, like work, marriage and kids. I only see them like once a month. it would be nice to have a single friend who I could hang out with more I guess. but even then I get a little overwhelmed in a couple hours time. so im only good for short outings or get togethers when I do, do something.
but for sure my life lacks purpose, all I got going on is workouts and cleaning and meal prep. with my monthly shot thrown in. sometimes I take vacations and im always happy while im on the road.