Been feeling others can read my thoughts. Hope this is not true. Don’t understand how they would able to do this. No one is truly psychic or possess the power of telepathy. Hate my thoughts these days. Wish for past/better thoughts and can not handle or deal with my current thoughts. Wish for peace of mind. Also feel someone in my body or hear someone speaking to me. Some are nice others hate me. Suffer from panic/anxiety attacks due from anxiety about my thoughts. They are brought upon going outside shopping and even writing on this forum. I hope this will get better someday.
No one can read your thoughts. You are simply having irrational thoughts. Don’t give them much attention.
no one can hear your thoughts…trust me
no one is inside your body…it is a delusion.
and all this will get better one day… i promise…
have faith in yourself…your strenght…your inner knowing…
listen to the good voices , forget the bad ones.
know some one cares
take care
Thank you you guys with all your help.
I experience this also—my delusion is that nearly everyone can read the thoughts in my head-the content is inappropriate unwanted and intrusive, their is a computer lasered into my scalp–well that’s my experience!
People outside respond to these thoughts and verbally condemn me–whats that all about? sorry but am exhausted with it all, simply want to extract myself from this living nightmare and have my eyes opened
I have basically zero thoughts of my own. In fact, I prayed to God to erase my imagination from ever working again. I really do not need a visual imagination anymore. I like to hallucinate and am open to hallucinogenic imaginations, but I don’t want thoughts of my own. I call it “conscious zero” or “conscious nothingness”.
My experience is that people can’t read my exact thoughts but they have almost a spiritual heads up display where they can view my soul and the content of it.
i used to struggle with this myself but i now know they are merely splinters of my own persona…dream characters if you will of a sleeping brain.
when we dream our brains make up characters for us to interact with whether in a dream or nightmare. these characters and our own character in our dreams can talk on any topic, touch, taste, smell, hit, punch, kick, argue, run you name it both our character and the others made up by our brains can do it so it comes as no surprise to me that the characters that my brain as created can do so too.
i used to think i was telepathic but then i looked at the research going on and the supposed good results. nearly all of these have been debunked, shot down in flames…even at stanford they shut down the random number generator experiments because the lack of results was so embarrassing and those experiments ran for twenty years!! twenty years and nothing worth investigating further…nothing.
so bear that in mind next time you believe what the voices say, ok? mine are currently threatening to kill me unless i do what they want…you know what? i don’t believe they are real…i may well be afraid just in case but right now they have no power over me at all other than to irritate.
try and lok at it as though parts of your brain are asleep while you are awake and is creating dream characters. that;s one avenue of research going on right now, hope this helps hunni x
I used to think that people could read my thoughts and see my past actions. Even on meds, I still have a little bit of that left. But with a lot of therapy I got past that and realize nobody knows things I did or can read my thoughts. Keep taking your medicine and that ought to clear up.
do you still have that feeling