So my diagnosis is schizoaffective bipolar type. My illness works in cycles. Sometimes I am super low, sometimes I am delusional, other times I am so well that I feel like I imagined the bad times.
Do you ever doubt yourself and feel like you are faking it?
I feel this way too. But then I look at my symptoms that manifest, my 4 hospital stays alone last year and the fact I still self harm. That reassures me when I’m questioning my diagnosis.
One of the biggest problems we szs have is that when we start feeling better, we forget that we’re sick and decide we don’t need our meds. The result is disastrous.
Both are true, @77nick77, I have been drinking more water because I was told an 8 oz. glass of water can help heal a headache. It’s a little the chicken or the egg as to whether MI causes the headache or the headache causes the MI.
I think it tells you something that you think like this!!! It’s such a common feeling among sz/sz aff it just says to me that we all have the same disorder. It always amazes me how similar delusions and other symptoms are with our group.
I’m not sure I feel like a fake, although maybe I do. I have long stretches where I question if I’m mentally ill as opposed to socially dysfunctional-a social misfit.
I am sza also and when I go through periods of relatively few problems I sometimes wonder if i’m making all this up. I feel guilty sometimes, thinking if I tried harder maybe I wouldn’t have these problems. Then it all comes rushing back in on me and I realize it’s all real.
Don’t put that on yourself, let it go. Just keep fighting your symptoms and the end of the day you may find something real. Its hard though, just don’texpect , too much. Circles. you are OK, just need room to move.