Feeling being watched

Anyone expereance of being watched


When i am alone i don’t feel it…!! When i am with some one and there is crowd i feel the same way U feel…!!
I can’t resist in such a situation…!!! I feel panic in such a situation…!!! may i need a anti_anxiety pills…!!

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May be social anxiety in your case
Antidepressants help
Mine is paranoia and psychosis
I get it even at home about once a week


One of my delusions was that there were cameras everywhere. Like in the TV, in electric poles, etc. That delusion has gone now. But it was persistent. You’re kind of lucky that you only get it once a week.


My life was strikingly similar to you guys. It’s no more… now, it’s a different life, but a rigid life.

I want flexible life, a life filled with freedom of choice and probably a girl friend would change everything

if not she screws my mind totally

Honestly I don’t have any girl friend so it’s all upto my freaking imagination

All anti psychotic is good for positive symptoms…they do nothing for negative symptoms…i am feeling bad these days…


From everywhere. Not any specific direction.

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Yeah, it’s like a pyramid of watching that goes all the way up to that eye at the top.

Everyone seems to be watching someone.

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My last episode I was convinced people online were watching me through cameras on my various devices. Ended up covering up all the cameras I could find :unamused:

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You know what this is called ? Any idea ?

It’s like sleeping with the enemy and talking to the enemy that

someone is broadcasting thoughts that we are sleeping with the enemy

and, we can’t escape the script, the script is that is the enemy right in front of us

and that is unfortunately labelled as love marriage, government,

king, queen, friend, and what not

It’s not Schizophrenia.

It’s called Cold War.

And yes BEING WATCHED is the SCRIPT that nullifies the voice.

We can scream that we are being watched and guess who is listening ?

Just the enemy … it’s the battle field of the enemy.

Nothing more nothing less.

That my friends, is helplessness and partly Schizophrenia.

A result and ongoing process probably never ending… cold war.