Feeling an episode coming

How do you feel when you feel an episode coming on? Do you have any signs that you recognize yourself?

I start staying up all night and sleeping all day. I also eat a lot of junk food.

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First sign with me - I feel wonderful - full of energy and happiness - I normally go high first.

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It takes a few days to really be able to start knowingness if something is turning into a negative change or if it’s just more of the passing ■■■■■■■■.

For the most part it’s up and up.

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i get tired
sensitive to light and noise
" glitches " start to appear
i start turning into a werewolf :wolf:
then i start howling at the moon :full_moon:
i hope you are feeling okay :heart:
take care :alien:


I feel an episode coming when I wake up in the morning. It starts out with my coffee to get me going…then I go to gym and the voices and thoughtbroadcasting terrorizes me. Then I spend the rest of day trying to sedate myself so my head isn’t so noisy.

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I feel sedated yet wired and panicky. It’s hard to describe the feeling. I’m also more sensitive to stim which could be lights, colors, or sound. Sometimes I have the warning signs a couple of days before but sometimes it’s just an hour or so. It’s taken me a while to realize it’s coming on because it’s easy to brush off. Last year when I relapsed I hadn’t yet realized there were warning signs but I lost my appetite and wasn’t sleeping. It took a couple of weeks to recover from that one. I was in the hospital for it and they were feeding me haldol like it was candy. That was a scary time.

Call your pdoc if you feel it coming on. Good luck!! :sunny:

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It is different things. I will stop cleaning the house. That is usually the first sign. I also start feeling like everyday situations are dangerous. Then my sleep schedule shifts. I either sleep all day or not at all.

Sometimes, the first warning sign I recognize is when my voices get angry. Then I have to sit back and try to figure out what is upsetting me.

I usually only have episodes when my overly accommodating personality puts me into a situation that isn’t healthy for me. I don’t realize it is a bad idea, so my psychosis warns me to get out.

Insomnia for me. But you know yourself best. Can you pre-empt things and get help?