Obviously this only applies if you can feel episodes coming on before they happen. I have these “episodes” almost daily where I start to feel really confused and scatterbrained, then I start feeling almost catatonic, then I start having visual and auditory hallucinations, and finally I start slowly getting more and more paranoid and delusional. It doesn’t always go that far, and it doesn’t always go in that order, but that’s often how it happens. But I don’t know anything that I can do when I start to feel an episode coming on. I just kind of have to ride it out and hope things don’t get worse. So the question is, does anyone have anything they do that helps when they can feel an episode starting to come on?
Stay away from people and over stimulation. stress will bring things on for me. Its impossible to totally avoid stress but I try to learn to manage it. I will do a round of kickboxing sometimes to sweat out the feelings or sometimes go out away in nature if I can.
I have a list of gimmicks to help me over the rough times. The best is to talk to a friend but if that is not possible there is food, music, exercise, online games, petting a pet, going through the stuff in my closet, writing a snail mail letter to an old friend, writing in a journal, and I can email my clinician any time if it’s really bad. Go ahead and make your own list because having a list helps when the mind is stressed and can’t think what to do next.
latetely for me it’s been percussion drumming
There seems to be opposite advice being posted. One is get active, the other is rest. You’ll just have to choose which one suits you.
I think that Im heading towards a big Manic or Mixed Episode - Things on the TV are getting louder and Faster and my moods have been up and down and everything in between.
I have not been sleeping well lately, last night I got maybe 4 hours of sleep.
I am waiting for my mood stabilizer to arrive in the mail, but its going to take forever - Im getting desperate and thinking about taking expired meds I found in my drawer.
When I feel that my sanity is slipping away a bit, I try not to get overstimulated - no loud music, not too much TV, try to get some more rest in a dark room etc…
Im going to cut back on the coffee as well.
Meds help with that. Although I don’t take them
Sleep and more sleep. No stress. No people around. No computer or tv. Rest and sleep.