Feeling amazing (mentally, physically)

I am proud of myself.
I know the very short period is several weeks, but still, it’s possible for me to live without ablify atleast for several weeks. I thought it’s the only med in the world which can help me, but now I am living without it.
I feel very good.
Maybe it’s vraylar,
maybe it’s a bit proportion of supplements I am taking now,
maybe, just maybe my illness is ending, finally. :slight_smile: Atleast pdoc wish one day to help me stopping meds, forever.
I feel amazing both physically, both mentally. (just wishing to lose some weight)
And I am glad I am here. I had such a sweet talks here with most of you, guys.


The best thing is, my OCD symptoms (I am quite not sure if it’s full OCD, or I just have several symptoms of it) but they lessen. I very rarely experience these HARM OCD thoughts now.

My depression seems stable. one day I feel bad, the other I feel perfect. But it could be the breakup which hapenned several months ago.

Anxiety… As I stopped ablify, my anxiety, my shaking hands lessen. Though sometimes I still feel quite nervous

ADHD - so, as it’s still new for me that I have it… it’s stable. Stable as always. I am always in a hurry.

and last, but not least, zero psychotic symptoms.


my mood today. :)))


That’s great to hear that you’re doing so well! :slight_smile:

Some people do experience remission from sz and some people still need to be on a small dose of meds.

I sometimes think I’m recovered and then my little evil Jiminy Cricket pops up and makes a smartass comment about me. Haha! :sweat_smile:

Either that or I get a bad anxiety attack.

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@Montezuma I hope it’s a remission. I dream of stopping meds for a very long time.

Overall I still question some things as: Why my pscyhosis was so long? Was it really drug induced? (I started answering it a way better, I remember myself feeling everytime worse as I smoked weed, and amphetamine ended me very fast)

But your’e doing awesome. I know symptoms can make us feel bad (as I remember my worse times), though your’e really great persona and I believe your life is great, too. :slight_smile: I like to think about gentle SZ forms as some kind of a difficulty in life, which can be overcomed.

Overall, most of us here are doing better than majority SZ cases. I know one person, which never got better. (I mean I know him in real life)
He believes he is talking with Russia’s president, owns million dollar cars and can buy any house or place in a planet. He never got better. :frowning: sadly, he don’t understand he is ill.

So, we all here, who have atleast some insight, are very very lucky.

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@anon8411913 I will keep you in my thoughts and :pray: that you reach remission one day.

Yeah, idk. I believe, and it’s not the case for everyone’s sz, but in some cases it does feel like there’s a metaphysical component to sz.

Like everyone’s delusions make sense to the person suffering from them.

So many things can shape our worldview like wars, nationalities, class, culture etc. And when that worldview is shattered how do we move on?

In regards to the drugs you’re doing a great job staying away from them. Especially the meth! That stuff is nightmare fuel for psychosis.

But yes, insight is a Blessing.

Thank you for the compliments by the way. :blush: You seem like a very cool and intelligent person. :+1:

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@Montezuma awww! That’s so kind of you. I am not a believer of traditional god, but I have a brilliant my own version of god. I believe he is with us everywhere. And that he is everywhere. :slight_smile: What you said, means a lot for me.

I always felt strange when I remembered my pscyhosis. That time everything seemed to make sense, all the delusions - until I became stable, again. It took a good amount of time to understand what actually happened. That there were no conspiracy. That I was the one who was ill…and still, delusions were the hardest thing to overcame. And another hard step was to understand, that sometimes we can be paranoid but with a reason. I mean, it was hard for me to understand that not every thought of mine is a delusion. I really needed self confidence few years ago.

Insight is indeed a blessing! :slight_smile: When insight comes back, symtpoms lessen too (what I noticed)

And thanks for such a sweet words.

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